Opening the Gates of Hell

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Hi, this is my post this month.

Finally, an attack on Nanjing.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


The 45 caliber 46-centimeter triple-barreled guns of the same caliber as the 46-centimeter triple gun, which belonged to the largest main gun on a battleship in the history of the old world, were now swiveled with a rumbling sound and aimed at their target from the satellite coordinates.

The target was Nanjing, the capital of the Yi Empire, 50 kilometers away.

From the border base of the Waspaniat Kingdom, P-1s, AC-3s, and F-6s have already reported that the target is less than 200 kilometers away. Although the fleet's radars, including the Yamato's, did not show any signals from airborne targets (as expected, they were inland and out of detection range), they decided to trust the reports from the control tower.

"Yamato is ready to fire."

"Receiving message from Musashi. They are opening fire."


The ship's captain, Sugo, was sorry that he had to use their most powerful 46 cm gun for this thing. If they were going to fight anyway, they wanted to put this main armament into action against another battleship.

But orders are orders.

"Consecutive fire! Commence attack!!"

"Consecutive fire! Open fire!!"


As soon as the shells were fired at speed, their tails split, showing the thrust-vectoring nozzles and activating the ramjet engines to achieve supersonic flight. These 45 caliber 46 cm cannons were originally built at the Japan Steel Works, which is said to be the company most familiar with artillery in Japan, after meticulous and detailed work using the extraordinary analytical power of the supercomputer Fugaku developed by Japan.

The caliber of the main gun is the same as the old Yamato: 45 caliber 46 cm cannon, with an effective range of around 20 kilometers, but the materials used for the main gun and for the shells are completely different from those used at that time. As a result, the maximum range of conventional shells (which also serve as fragmentation-adjusted high-explosives and anti-aircraft) has been significantly extended to 50 kilometers.

Guided artillery shells (these are rocket-propelled, not ramjet-equipped), which have the same shape as conventional shells, have a range of 200 kilometers, and a recently developed ramjet-equipped shell (in essence, a large guided shell fired from a cannon), which is as large as an anti-ship missile, has a maximum range of 350 kilometers.

On this mission, the rocket-propelled guided shells will be used in the initial phase, and after blowing up the ground with the bunker busters carried by the F-6s, they will switch to the ramjet-equipped shells to hit the underground city structures.

The Yamato and Musashi fired their main gun shells simultaneously and continuously. Unlike machine guns, there are no tracer shells, so the shells can only be seen as flames from the tail rocket thrusts. These shells took more than five minutes to land.

"Guided artillery shells have passed the 100-kilometer point."

"Incoming transmission from ASDF: 'The gates of hell will now open.'"

"Bunker busters... compared to the Yamato-class's main guns, it's a fearsome weapon in its own right."

"Yes, sir. The fact that it can blow up even underground shelters... truly a terrifying technological advancement."

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