Japan-Yetisk Talks

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It is finally the first encounter between the Yetiski and the Japanese.

What will happen...

- Kazuhiro Kasami


April 15, 2033

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kasumigaseki, Tokyo, Japan

On this day, a sudden phone call that burst into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs caused a great commotion among the staff. It came from the Yetisk Empire via the Grand Lago Kingdom and the Kingdom's connection with the Finweden Sea Kingdom. The Yetiski diplomatic service had requested to speak with Japan's diplomatic representative.

Naturally, Japan was thrown into a panic.

They hadn't anticipated contact from the Yetisk Empire coming directly to them. Thus, the response involved not only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs but all government agencies. Despite efforts to keep it under wraps, recent incidents like the cargo ship's seizure had already heightened sensitivity to leaks to the media.

Internally, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs grappled with questions like "What stance should be taken towards the Empire?" and "Should we coordinate with the Ministry of Defense to mobilize the Self-Defense Forces immediately if negotiations break down?" Other topics included "How should we coordinate with other countries?" and "If it comes to war, will other countries get involved?"

This scenario was unprecedented in the old world. While cooperation in diplomacy and defense wasn't unheard of (with examples like India and Australia), the idea that "Japan is being relied upon" and that "cooperation with other countries is also essential" required a significant shift in mindset for Foreign Ministry staff.

As discussions heated within the meeting, a young female diplomat, Mikuriya, feeling overwhelmed by the intensity, stepped out onto the rooftop to cool off in the wind.

Since the transference, temperatures across Japan have dropped considerably. Even in the city center, with fewer cars and people, the overall heat had diminished. While many Japanese were pleased with the apparent disappearance of global warming, the government's stance remained that "carbon neutrality cannot be halted" as using fossil fuels would lead to the same outcome again. Previously, April could record temperatures close to 30 degrees Celsius, but now, the highest temperatures hardly reach 25 degrees Celsius seasonally, making it feel significantly cooler. Taking advantage of the emptiness around her, Mikuriya loosened her collar slightly to let the refreshing breeze in, which brought a sense of relief to her body.

"Ahh... finally some fresh air..."

But reality can be cruel, especially when unexpected encounters happen at such moments.

"Mikuriya, are you alright?"

Startled by the voice, Mikuriya bristled and quickly covered her chest before turning around to see Nakamura, a senior diplomat, standing with a bottle of tea in hand.

"Senpai... Don't scare me like that..."

"My bad, my bad. So, what are you doing here, enjoying the breeze?"

"I'm sorry... I just felt a bit overwhelmed by the intensity of the meeting..."

Nakamura scratched his head. "Yeah, I get it. With everything that's been going on, especially considering who we're dealing with this time... I bet the higher-ups are being cautious but also desperate."

"The strongest country in the world... In the old world's terms, it's like antagonizing the Americans, right?"

"Hmm... Considering they're on Russian soil... it's more like dealing with the Soviets, I suppose?"

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