The "Present" in Tokyo

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Today, the weather is unstable, but the naval review will go on. In fact, my father has been invited by an acquaintance to go on the Escort Squadron (I wish I could have gone too)...

I will post one chapter today to drown out that frustration.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


September 29, 2024

Japan, Tokyo, near the Imperial Palace

The bus departed from the hotel and proceeded leisurely down the main street. Kellus was overwhelmed by the large buildings standing there.

"Amazing... I wonder if even the Yetisk Empire or the Grand Lago Kingdom could build those kinds of buildings..."

But when he realized that his eyes had been drawn only to the buildings, he noticed the sidewalks beside them.

"Mister Hattori, is it my imagination, is it just me, or does the number of people on the street seem awfully small?"

Hattori looked conflicted for a moment, but quickly answered.

"Actually, before the transference, the population of Tokyo was over 13 million, but since the transference, more than half of that number has been moving to the continent. To put it bluntly, there are not that many people left except for a few."

Hattori is right: the total population of not only Tokyo, but of mainland Japan, has now decreased to 20 million. Instead, in the past six years or so, the population living on the continent has grown to well over 100 million, and they are still working on settlements in various parts of the colonies.

In addition, the continent is now suitable as a place for the elderly to retreat and raise their children, and there are now only a few workers left on the mainland other than the elderly, mothers raising children, and their children. These include government officials such as Hattori and his colleagues, some civil engineering contractors who are redeveloping the country, and a handful of primary industry workers and students.

Still, it is believed that the mainland will come alive again in a few more years, as the government plans to redevelop the mainland as the population grows. In addition, land in Japan has become largely vacant, and in fact, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has created quite a few vacant lots within the 23 wards of Tokyo.

As might be expected, the central area around the Imperial Palace was a popular place for people to gather, including for sightseeing, and some areas are as busy as they were before the transference. Speaking of which, many people from the Grand Lago Kingdom, which had established port facilities as soon as diplomatic relations were established, had already visited Japan for sightseeing and research, and tours to Japanese museums and facilities had become very popular.

The tourism industry and its various related industries were coming back to life, with the arrival of a large number of tourists from the Republic of Francesca expected in the near future.

"I see, you are working on developing the huge continent to the west after moving to this world... How could you go to Francesca's rescue under such circumstances?"

"Well, there you have it. There are a lot of circumstances," Hattori chuckled and looked at Kellus.

As a matter of fact, during the recent war against Spernino and Italicia, some leftists in Japan were also opposed to the deployment of troops. However, the government was encouraged by the fact that most people, were immediately in favor of the deployment of troops.

This may not have been the case in the early days of diplomatic relations, but by the time three months had passed, the Japanese media had already covered the elves and werewolves extensively, and the Japanese people had become aware of the elves' attractive looks and the werewolves' loveliness and strength, etc., and the word was out that they should not be abandoned.

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