The Pinnacle of Corruption and Those Who Slither in the Dark

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Good morning, I'm Kasami.

This time I wrote about the results of the most problematic organization in the Neutrine Empire, the Senate, and Meelo's agents.


February 2, 1741

Neutrine Empire, Grand Conference Hall

Here, the 50 members of the Senate who practically rule the Empire were gathered. They have authority over internal affairs, military affairs, the economy, and all sorts of things. They cry out loudly for "national prestige and military buildup," collect various military-related information, and know how to steal and absorb any information that could be used for their country's benefit.

Ocheion, the jaguar-eared President of the Senate, was holding a meeting with a bottle of shochu called "Haigirishima" in one hand, which had been loaded on a cargo ship captured from Japan and had a picture of a woman wearing glasses and a maiden's robe printed on it. As you can see at this point, the Senators are a rather boorish organization when it comes to anything other than military buildup and hating the Yetisk Empire.

The level of the Senate is unbelievable even if we use the old world as a reference for the equivalent timeline.

"By the way, I understand that Japan, the country that produced this delicious drink, has demanded an apology from our country?"

In response to Ocheion's question, a middle-aged senator with tiger ears hiccuped and looked at the documents.

So much for a big tiger.

"Uhhh... this says, 'return of the cargo ship, an apology for the murder of its crew, and compensation for the bereaved families.'"

"What did you just say?"

"The absolute nerve of these Yetisk lackeys..."

The other senators had had quite a bit to drink, and they were all pretty much ready to go. One of them swatted his hands as if he was trying to scare away a fly and sneered.

"I don't give a damn what they want... but what about the radar technology?"

"Yes, hic. That ship is equipped with a radar. It's much more powerful than ours, which can detect up to 25 kilometers away."

Many Japanese vessels are equipped with surface search radar, including for the purpose of preventing accidents. At that point of civilian use, it is clear that it is superior to Neutrine's technology. However, the government, with its twisted way of thinking, took the idea even further.

"I see... so the four women that the fat captain let go were spies of the Yetisk Empire. So that ship may have been a Yetisk smuggler after all."

The Neutrine government has a habit of declaring all suspicious entities as belonging to the Yetisk Empire, so they are quick to conclude that everything unknown to them must be related to Yetisk. And that is why they try to fight it.

"Bastards... those Yetisk bootlicking dogs... speaking of dogs, how's the force invading Francesca coming along?"

"Yes. The most recent reports are that they have begun an offensive centered on tanks in the fortified city of Garrard and are making good headway in the battle. If we take things easy, it will fall in less than half a year."

But President Ocheion frowned.

"Six months is too long. Make it possible for the city to fall within three months. We have tanks that are impervious to arrows or castle battering rams. Attack them night and day."

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