Battle of Philip Island

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This is the second chapter this month.

The Omicron strain is spreading quickly, but please, everyone, be careful not to get infected.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


The frigate Yukikaze belonging to the Waspanite Navy now has to deal with three enemy ships, albeit antiquated destroyers for the Japanese, with the little power on board their ship. Since the other party was violating the territorial waters, the Harusame-class frigate, whose mission is coast guard and patrol, had to do everything in its power to capture the enemy.

The enemy has already begun firing, and a large number of water columns rose in the vicinity of the Yukikaze. However, whether it is the low skill level of the destroyer crew of the Yi Empire's navy, or the fact that it was originally intended for reconnaissance and not for combat, the shells did not seem to hit the Yukikaze.

"It's all over the place... We'll take out the biggest ship first!! Main gun, prepare dual-purpose ammunition!!"

"Dual-purpose? Shouldn't we use HEAT rounds for anti-ship use?"

"Their ship's bridge is open-air, even though it is somewhat covered. The blast from the bursting shells and the fragments of the shells flying into the bridge would be enough to deal a heavy blow to the bridge."

After receiving the explanation, the Gunnery Chief operated the panel and selected 'dual-purpose ammunition.' By the way, they used Chinese characters. This measure was taken because the official language (in this case, written) of the Waspaniat Kingdom and the Yi Empire was Chinese.

"Understood. Dual-purpose ammunition, loaded!!"

"Calm down and aim..."

Soon, the FCS aboard the Yukikaze caught sight of the other party's destroyer.

"Open fire!!"



The proximity fuse-equipped shell fired from the 52 caliber 105 mm single-barrel gun flew toward the bridge of the Yi Empire destroyer without missing a beat.

. . .

Meanwhile, the destroyer Mǎnle belonging to the Yi Empire Navy also confirmed the smoke from the firing.

"The enemy ship is firing!!"

"They're so stupid. If even we can't hit accurately, how those Waspanites will hit us?"

The captain, Jia Woshen, sneered, thinking that since he and his crew could not hit their target, there was no way the enemy would be able to hit them either. This was despite the fact that the previous warning shot had just hit a target. To be more precise, the fact that the shell was a paint shell and only made a water noise when it hit the target caused the Yi Empire to mistakenly believe that they had missed. That's why...


As Milmoth herself mentioned earlier, this destroyer's bridge, although thin, is not an open-air bridge but has a roof and walls. Therefore, it was able to defend to some extent against the bursting of shells using the proximity fuse. Yes. But to some extent.

The bridge of this destroyer has no windows. Therefore, the fragments of the shells that exploded at close range and the blast came flying into the bridge with great force. The eight people standing on the bridge, including Captain Jia Woshen, were instantly and permanently knocked unconscious by the shell fragments and the blast.

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