Strategy Meeting and the Defense of Girard

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June 2024

Japan, Tokyo, Ministry of Defense

In response to the Spernino and Italicia Kingdoms, which have effectively declared war against the Republic of Francesca and Japan, Japan has declared, both domestically and internationally, the invocation of the right of individual self-defense for the purpose of self-defense. It was necessary to declare a state of emergency for all of Japan's land, sea, and air forces, and to extract the necessary forces and direct them toward Francesca. In addition, the enemy had declared that they would send their forces to Japan after annexing the Republic of Francesca, and there was a possibility that they would come to Japan if the enemy remained within the Republic, so it was necessary to clean up that area as well.

The Ministry of Defense is currently discussing which units to dispatch and how to respond. Military personnel from the Grand Lago Kingdom are also participating in these meetings. Since they are familiar with the military situation in neighboring countries, the Japanese invited them to lecture them on how to counter the enemy's weapons.

As a result, several things were learned:

- The enemy's main fleet consisted of ships-of-the-line, and the range of their artillery is about 1 to 1,5 km.

- The lizardmen use heavy melee and slashing weapons such as maces and battle axes, but they also know how to use muskets and towed cannons to reduce the enemy's number.

- The lizardmen have strong scales and muscles, so they can repel curved shots of bows and arrows without armor. However, this is not the case with direct fire.

- Winged humans are basically small and lightly armed, so their main weapon is a dagger.

Those points were not so much of a problem. However, the most outrageous part started from these:

- The Italicia Kingdom has an air force as large as a wyvern, known as giant birds. The maximum speed of the air superiority type is about 70% that of the wyvern, but the transport type is slower and instead used to bomb from the sky by dropping ceramic pots filled with gunpowder.

- Winged warriors also fly and attempt to engage in hand-to-hand combat by boarding enemy ships directly.

- Therefore, their trump card is the winged warriors, and the bird carrier that transports them becomes their flagship.

First of all, what was problematic was the idea of operating air power at sea. In the old world, this would have been the level at which World War II began, a concept that was more than 200 years advanced from their basic level of technology and thought. The capability of the ships-of-the-line is low compared to the steel ships of the end of the Edo period, but it can be said to be high by the standards of the Age of Exploration. The shells were not spherical shells, but properly exploding shells.

However, what troubled the Defense Ministry officials was the fact that the winged people would have to board the ships from the air and engage in hand-to-hand combat.

"Not good..."

Swallow, a military officer dispatched from Grand Lago Kingdom, stared at Mitani with a shocked look. He did not understand why Japan, with such advanced technology, was afraid of Spernino and Italicia.

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