Emergence of Modified Fighters and Crazy Weapons

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This is the first chapter this month.

You can see a little of the results of that support from the Waspaniat Kingdom... which Japan is seriously supporting.

- Kazuhiro Kasami


April 5, 1750

Waspaniat Kingdom, Border City Hanokai

The border city of the Waspaniat Kingdom, Hanokai, is located near the location of this world's border between Laos and China. Having constantly at a standoff with the Yi Empire, the soldiers assigned to both countries' garrisons are all highly skilled and elite. In this place, construction work had begun along an important highway by the Ground Self-Defense Force's engineering unit, which had obtained permission from the kingdom.

The geographical location was such that it could be said that without capturing this base, it would be difficult to invade Waspaniat. Troops stationed in Australia and those stationed in the Halidom of Ganeshade were also assembled to construct a base where air defense positions and ground troops could be stationed, with a formation of over 15.000 people. The base is expected to be handed over to Waspaniat for later use, and the equipment to be used is a simple installation to enable quick conversion from the current state-of-the-art equipment designed to operate guided missiles to a downgraded radar, missiles, and 88 mm anti-air guns made in Anubisius.

The electronic equipment system is designed to be easily replaced, showing the painstaking efforts of the Japanese. It must also be linked with ground radar so that it can be used for ground attacks. In addition, even though it is an upgrade type, it is installed at the base, so it is not possible to upgrade it too stupidly. The Japanese were having a hard time fine-tuning the system. Eventually, they would replace it with a 12,7 cm anti-aircraft gun made from a barrel imported from Japan by Anubisius and the Divine Kingdom's own 88 mm anti-aircraft gun.

Protecting this base are various types of anti-aircraft missiles prepared by the JGSDF and the anti-air VLS installed in the base. The area around the base is tightly fortified with missiles, from the powerful Type 03 medium-range SAM to the Type 11 short-range SAM for the close-range response, and the Type 93 short-range SAM. Unfortunately, they haven't installed the VLSs yet, so they must rely on vehicle-mounted anti-air missiles, but even at present it is possible to shoot the enemies down unless several thousand aircraft come in at once like a swarm of locusts.

In addition to radar, they also did not neglect visual reconnaissance, so OH-1s, Yanma anti-tank helicopters, and Mushihikiabu attack helicopters were also flying in the sky to keep a watchful eye.

Also, the SDF, considering the possibility that the enemy, though in a primitive way, might attack from underground because they were ant demi-humans, was thorough in installing numerous seismometers around the base. If the enemy were to dig holes and invade the base, the seismographs would show different waveform patterns than normal.

On the outer edge of the base, there are also a number of large launchers that can fire cluster rockets with the same capability as M26 rockets that can attack the ground, and 52 caliber 155 mm triple guns converted and installed from the main guns of the Pistorix cruisers that can deter a large army on the surface, in case the Yi Empire's army comes in droves. These ground attack weapons are linked to the ground-attack radar on the outer edge of the base, enabling them to direct their attacks toward the more heavily populated areas. The 52 caliber 155 mm triple guns are also linked to the anti-aircraft radar and can be used for anti-air combat by firing a proximity fuse-equipped shell.

All of these weapons are unthinkable in Japan until now.

In addition, the anti-air defense is also provided by a number of Oerlikon 35 mm autocannons equipped with proximity fuses and a number of Bofors 40 mm cannons. This was a means to ensure that the enemy can be defeated by means other than missiles, since they were using Fairey Swordfish-like biplanes. At any rate, the Fairey Swordfish has legends such as, 'it was so slow that the enemy fighters would stall to match its speed,' or 'it was too slow to be targeted by AA guns with a time fuse,' so anyone would need proximity fuses to destroy it.

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