First Day at the Hotel, Looking Forward to the Future

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This is the first chapter this month.

Symphogear... that last one must have been a foul play... This summer was full of good anime and fun.

I'm looking forward to spending my days looking forward to the fall anime that's about to start.

And Kamen Rider Girls... Kazumin... The Trio... Gen-san... It was fun ♪

- Kazuhiro Kasami


September 26, 2024

Japan, Tokyo, a certain hotel

Kellus was having a very pleasant morning. For he slept soundly like a rock in a bed so soft that he wondered if it did not even exist in the royal palace. The hotel staff took him to the breakfast room, where he met his attendants who did not need to be hospitalized.

"Ooh, you lot. Did you sleep well last night?"

"Yes, My Lord. I had been on a rocking ship, so I didn't sleep well, but I was so happy by the environment that it was almost like heaven that I couldn't sleep at all."

The old butler, who was also Kellus' tutor, acted like a clown, and the group couldn't help but smile at his antics.

"Or that's what I would like to say. But it seems that when one is too excited, one's consciousness is taken away. I fell asleep too."

The retainers burst into laughter again. Just by looking at this, one can see how close this master-servant relationship is.

The waiter, who had an elegant appearance, quickly laid out the drinks and appetizers.

"Y-you call this something to eat!?"

"Are we supposed to eat this kind of thing?"

But Kellus looked at the color of the fish.

"Oh, this looks very tasty."

As Kellus was about to reach for the fork he had set down, one of his retainers stopped him.

"Your Highness, please be careful. In case you—"

"No need for that. Japan has so far taken care of our life and death. There is no benefit for you to do anything about me now."

With these words, he quickly took a mouthful of the food that had been placed in front of him.

"Mm... tasty. Is this... raw fish? But it's so fresh. Here, you lot, eat. It would be rude not to eat it while it's still fresh and tasty."

The retainers, who had seen Kellus and understood that it was safe to eat, also began to eat with trepidation.

"T-this fish is delicious!"

"At first glance, it looks like just cut-up fish served with vegetables... is this vinegar? I can feel the sourness."

"It's mixed with the fat of the vegetables and the fish, and it's indescribably delicious! This is a very thoughtful dish!"

They devoured the appetizer of "Bluefin Tuna Carpaccio". They continued to enjoy the various course meals, and when they had finished their dessert of iced sweets (or was it ice cream?), they drank a cup of tea and took a break.


"I've lived for a century... but never had this taste in this world. This is the first time this has happened to me in a long time."

The dark elves, like the elves of the Republic of Francesca, also live long lives, usually 120 years. Some of them lived to be nearly 200 years old, but this was indeed a very special case.

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