03. lovers quarrel

Start from the beginning

will got out with cameron, who watched nancy get out of steve's car. he kissed her on the cheek.

will noticed four figures rolling towards them, all of them in costume. they started to sing the 'ghostbusters' theme song.

"duh, duh, duh, duh. . ."

" 'who you gonna call?' " they half-shouted.

" 'ghostbusters!' " will and cameron half-yelled back.

"egon, yeah!" lucas beamed.

"venkman!" will hugged lucas.

"whoa, whoa." mike pulled him away from will as cameron, dustin and henry were talking about dustin's proton blaster.

"that's cool, man. did you make it?" henry asked.

"yeah! it opens and closes," he flipped the switch.

"you're getting smarter day by day, henderson." cameron ruffled his curly hair.

meanwhile with the other three.

"why are you venkman?"

"because i'm venkman."

"no, i'm venkman,"

"why can't there just be two venkmans?"

"because there's only one venkman in real life, we planned this months ago." mike stated.

"i'm venkman, dustin's stanz, you're egon, you're winston, and cameron and henry are the ghost!" mike exclaimed.

"i specifically didn't agree to winston."

"yes, you did."

"i don't think he did."

"okay, look, no one wants to be winston, froggy boy. before you say anything back, i bet the only reason you wanted lucas here to winston, is 'cause he's black." cameron remarked.

lucas wrapped his arm around cameron. "see, this is why you're my favourite."

henry laughed. "she's mine too."

mike rolled his eyes at the four who didn't even try to converse with him. "guys. . . guys, guys!"

dustin's called, taking their attention away from staring another argument with mike.

"what dusty?" as they huddled around him.

"why is no one else wearing costumes?"

cameron chuckled. "thank god, i didn't wear my costume, i was a ghost."

the school bell rang, indicating they had to go in unless they would be late for class. "don't worry, i'll try and get bullies off of your backs."

"as if you're not being bullied yourself." mike snarled.

"man, shut up." henry fired at him.

they entered the middle school, children laughing at the five except for cameron, because she's wearing normal attire.

"oh my god!"

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