Ch 51: Kamar-Taj

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I walk up to the closed gate, waiting for it to open. I look through the gate to see Hank walking towards it as it opens. I walk towards him as he looks somber.

"Is it true?" I ask.


We walk into the mansion together to see no students in sight.

"I'm guessing they know?"

"We held an assembly yesterday.. Charles saved all of them..." he says. "Why are you here, Violet?"

I look away, sighing.

"It's Natalia."

"Let's go downstairs."

I follow him down the hall as we take the elevator to the lower levels. We get to a room as I clasp my hands together.

"What did Natalia do now?"

"She captured an entire town.." I say. "Brainwashing them into thinking they were apart of this sitcom."

He looks up as I take a deep breath.

"She created a reality in which George was alive and they had children. She truly became the Scarlet Witch and now she has disappeared" I say. "I can't find her anywhere."

He walks towards the computer, clicking through tabs.

"Why is that my problem?" He asks. "I have enough to worry about."

"She has the Darkhold."

He stops moving to turn around to me.

"I can't imagine the true damage she can do with it" I say. "But the bottom line is we need to find her before it corrupts her."

"Now that Charles is dead, I have to run the school" he says. "I can't leave these kids abandoned, Violet."

"It's going to corrupt her!" I snap. "And when it does.. we can't bring her back. Nobody will be able to stop her."

"Go to Stephen.. he will be able to help you a lot more than I can."

"I don't trust him."

"You either ask for his help or you lose her."

I turn my head, thinking of Natalia. I leave the mansion, driving an hour to Manhattan. I walk down the street, knocking on the door. I get no answer, walking in.


I look around to find nobody here. A yellow sparkling portal appears.

"Violet Lovegood, you are coming with me."

I follow the man through the portal. Stephen Strange now faces me as I sigh.

"You already know, don't you?"

"She's coming for the girl."

"What girl?"

He motions for me to follow him. I look around at the many sorcerers.

"She wants her children back.." he says. "You knew she had the Darkhold this whole time and you say nothing?"

"I don't trust you."

"It is my job to protect this multiverse and you fail to tell me, to tell anyone what she's been doing?"

I bite down on my bottom lip, realizing truly how selfish I have been.

"I thought I could do it on my own."

"This entire time I could've helped look for her.. now she's coming for her."

He points to a young girl behind me, she looks as if she was fourteen maybe fifteen. Suddenly, everything goes dark. I look up got the sky as the clouds turn from grey to dark red.

"She's here."

"You need to talk to her.. she won't listen to me, I've already tried."

"She's here to fight."

"I can't fight her.. I won't win" I say. "She's my best friend."

"Well, your best friend is a murderer."

The last word stings harder than it needs to. I'm well aware of Natalia's doings, but I've been justifying them in a way. When I'm reality the people she killed had loved ones left with little to no answers.

I look up to see a body appear in the sky. I turn to Stephen, nodding. He levitates my body into the air, being feet away from Natalia.

"You don't have to do this."

She has dark circles around her eyes, her fingertips black. The person in front of me is not my best friend.

"You don't understand."

"I know.. I know I don't" I say. "But you've killed innocent people, Nat. George is gone.. you can't bring him back."

"I want my children."

"They were fake. You created them in your spell."

"No!" She yells. "I've had.. everyone taken from me. I will not let them be taken!"

"They all wouldn't want you to end up like this."

Her top lip twitches, she looks as if she's arguing within herself.

"I gave Stephen a choice.. it appears he has chosen wrong.." she says. "Please.. step out of the way."

"I can't do that."

"I don't want to hurt you, Violet, but I will."

I transform into my diamond form.

"I can't let you take that girl."

"Very well."

She pulls her hand back, throwing an energy blast. I close my eyes, expecting impact. When I open them back up I realize there is a force field separating us and her.

Stephen lowers me back to the ground as I shake my head. I fight back tears, mourning the loss of my best friend.

"That's not.. that's not her."

Within seconds explosions go off everywhere. I don't remember a thing after that. Everything goes black.

When I wake up, I'm surrounded by dead bodies. I search for Stephen, not finding him anywhere. I'm now faced with Natalia, holding her hand out, restraining the young girl.

I take deep breaths, not knowing what to expect next.

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