Ch 6: Prank

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I sat in bed staring at the door as Violet walked in with slime all over her. My hand immediately went over my mouth as I tried not to laugh.

"What happened?" I muffled.

"I'm going to kill them!" She yelled going to the bathroom.

I grabbed my pillow laughing into it while Violet complained in the bathroom.

"Okay but what happened?" I asked.

She walked back out wiping the slime off her face. She took a deep breath before speaking.

"I was walking to the common room and felt someone staring at me. So I turned around snd saw nobody then heard clanking, I looked up and saw two buckets tip over" she said.

"And how do you know it was them?" I asked.

She looked at me as I shrugged.

"Fine it was most likely them" I said. "So what are we doing to get them back?"

She walked over to her desk grabbing a notebook from one of the drawers. She flipped through it landing on a page smiling.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Um" she said. "Prank book, you could say?"

"And why do you have a prank book?" I asked.

"Well technically it's Fred and George's pranks" she said. "Fred was talking about them and I just wrote them down."

"Interesting" I said.

"What?" She said.

"Nothing" I said. "What are we going to do to them?"

"There's one about a potion dying their hair?" She said.

"That could work. We could set a smoke bomb off and I could levitate the vials over their drinks" I said. "One of us will have to break into Snape's office."

I looked at Violet pointing to her. She huffed walking out of the room. She broke into Snape's office stealing potions while I waited for her in the abandoned bathroom near the kitchens. She ran in with her arms full.

"That took forever" I said.

"Snape nearly caught me" she said sitting down.

I grabbed the cauldron from her hand setting it down. I began mixing the potion as she watched.

"And this won't be permanent right?" She asked.

"Well" I said.

"Well what!" She snapped.

"I don't think it'll be permanent" I said.

"You think!" She said.

"Shhh! I need peace and quiet" I said.

She remained quiet watching my every move.

"Did you get the vials?" I asked.

She smiled looking up from the ground.

"Come on!" I said.

I held my hand up breaking off one of the old bathroom doors. I closed my eyes as my hands glowed focusing on the particles.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Shut up!" I snapped.

I opened my eyes back up to see two make shift vials.

"Cool" she said.

I dumped the potion into both vials. I grabbed the vials walking out of the bathroom. Violet grabbed the smoke bomb out of her pocket setting it off before throwing it in. I hurriedly levitated the vials over George and Fred's cups, I tilted my hands dumping the contents out. I brought them back just as Dumbledore cleared the smoke and laughter was filled as the two Gryffindors had green and silver hair. We ran back to the bathroom setting the vials into the empty cauldron before running to the common room.

Eventually students started piling in talking of George and Fred's hair. I smiled looking at Violet.

"Did you see their hair?" A seventh year boy laughed.

"Whoever did it was a Slytherin" his friend said.

Sometime later I was walking through the halls looking for Alina when I was thrown over someone's shoulders.

"Put me down!" I yelled.

I looked up to see a gust of bright red hair.

"Charlie put me down!" I said.

"That was a fun little prank you pulled" he said.

"Wasn't me" I said.

He set me down smiling.

"Seems like something Fred and George would do" he said.

"To be fair it was their idea we just took it" I said.

"I've been meaning to talk to you, Black. Walk with me" he said.

I sighed walking to catch up with him.

"You know Fred and George are very interesting boys. I think you're the best thing ever to happen to them. They need an anchor, someone to tell them no" he said.

"I don't think I can tell them no" I laughed.

"They'll listen to you. You're all they talked about over the summer, you should've seen how excited they were to get your letters" he said.

I smiled looking up to him.

"Talk to me kid" he said walking. "What is it you want to do after here?"

"I never really thought about it. Charles wants me to become a part of the X-Men" I said. "He pretty much trained us for it, never really giving us a choice."

"Trained you? You're kids" he said.

I forced a smile.

"It's alright I guess. Taught us never to rely on our powers" I said.

"He's treating you more like soldiers than kids" he said.

"Yeah I suppose. It's really the only home I've ever had, the compound I wouldn't call a home. It's really not a place for kids" I said. "What about you? What does the magnificent Charlie Weasley want to do?"

"I want to be a dragonologist" he said.

"Interesting, I feel like that suits you" I said.

"Given your powers, I think you'd be a great auror" he said.

"My uncle wanted to become an auror before um" I said.

"I know" he smiled. "I just think you could do good in this world with your powers."

"Thanks, Charlie. Perhaps I'll think about it" I said. "I should be getting ready for bed."

"See you around kid" he said.

I smiled walking to Gryffindor Tower as Charlie walked the opposite direction. Upon walking into the room Violet was sitting in bed.

"She's dead isn't she" she said.

"I know she's you're real mom" I said. "But she wasn't a good person. She's killed dozens and dozens of mutants, helping someone who used her for her powers."

She looked down fiddling with her fingers.

"I know it's hard to hear but when I knew her, before she was corrupted, she was sweet and had a good heart. I think you would've loved to meet her and I think if she hadn't gone down the path she did, she would've loved to meet you too" I said.

She smiled as a tear fell down her face.

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