Ch 3: Hogwarts

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I looked at my bag that sat on my bed. Am I forgetting anything? I asked myself. Alina knocked on my open door.

"I'm going to miss you" she said as a tear streamed down her face.

"Alina I'm going to come back. I'm not going to stay there forever" I smiled.

I kneeled down pushing her hair behind her ears.

"Make sure Billy and Tommy stay out of trouble" I said.

She slowly nodded before walking out. I gathered my things walking out to the kitchen dropping my bag off on the couch. Billy and Tommy ran straight towards me engulfing me in a hug.

"Don't leave" Tommy whined.

"Tommy it's going to be fine" I said.

He moped walking over to the couch. I looked to Billy.

"Watch over mom while I'm gone" I whispered.

He slightly nodded with a half smile. He walked deeper into the kitchen grabbing something to drink. Tony walked in with Steve and my mother.

"Ah finally leaving?" Tony asked with a smirk.

"Tony you know you're going to miss my little sassy remarks" I smiled.

"I most definitely will not however there is a mini you running around here somewhere. Say where is Alina?" He asked looking around.

"I think she's at the basketball court" Tommy said.

My mother walked over wrapping her arms around my body. I could tell she didn't want me to go but she knew how much it meant to me to go there.

"Be careful my love" she whispered grabbing my face.

"I will" I said.

She let go of my face handing me my bag.

"I'll write you the second I find out which house I am" I smiled.

I walked back to my room to find Alina laying on my bed.

"I'll be back for Christmas" I said.

"I don't want to go to school without you" she said.

"Next year you'll be with me" I said. "You won't need to go to Charles school anymore."

I walked over holding my pinky out. She reluctantly intertwined hers with mine.

"To infinity" I said.

"To infinity" she repeated.

Soon I was at Platform 9 3/4 looking at a large red train. I smiled looking around as witches and wizards alike with their parents running around. A part of me wished my mother had brought me and another wished my father was here. I took a deep breath setting my bag down before getting onto the train.

I looked around for an empty compartment, finally finding one, I quickly walked in sitting down. I pulled out my Charles Xavier book as the compartment door swung open as two familiar faces appeared.

"Hello again" I said to the two boys.

"Mind if we join?" George asked.

I nodded as they sat across from me.

"You like to read?" He asked.

"It calms my mind" I smiled. "So what house do you two think you'll be in?"

"Gryffindor, of course" Fred said.

"Weasley's are a long line of Gryffindors" George said. "What about you?"

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