Ch 2: Diagon Alley

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I quickly got dressed as Alina entered my room.

"When are you leaving?" She asked.

"In a little bit" I said sitting at the edge of my bed. "Whenever mom's ready, I guess."

"I wanna go" she said.

"Next year" I reminded her.

I had never been to Diagon Alley though when Dumbledore visited Charles' school he talked about it fondly. Anytime I brought it up to my mother she always seemed to avoid talking about it.

"Go get mom for me" I said.

Alina nodded running out. My mother walked in leaning against the door frame. I tilted my head looking at her facial expression.

"You look nervous" I said.

She shrugged smiling. She grabbed my hand slightly nodding her head. I closed my eyes transporting us outside of the Leaky Cauldron. My mother took a deep breath walking through the door. As we walked through it was silent, all eyes were on us. She took out the letter from her pocket as we walked towards a shop called Ollivanders.

Upon walking in there was not a single person in sight. I looked around at the paintings on the walls turning my attention to the counter. I nudged my mother as an elderly man appeared.

"Finally, just the girl I was hoping to see" the man had said. "Natalia Black and- oh my.. is that Wanda Maximoff?"

"She needs her wand" she said.

"Of course" he said. "Come here, dear."

I walked closer to the counter looking at the many boxes behind the man.

"The wand chooses its master, Miss Black" he said.

He walked grabbing a box handing the wand inside to me. I grabbed it, examining it.

"It doesn't feel right" I said.

"Of course" he said grabbing it from my hand.

Many wands later, he seemed to be nervous. I looked at the boxes, having one catch my eye. I levitated it setting it in front of me. I removed the top revealing a black wand with dark red oak at the handle. I looked at the handle as my fingers traced over the symbol carved at the top.

"That wand belonged to a very powerful witch" he said. "What many consider to be the most powerful witch."

"Who?" I asked looking up.

"You're grandmother, Natalya Maximoff" he said.

I turned around to my mother who's eyes went wide at the name. I picked up the wand as it instantly began glowing.

"It seems as if you found your wand, Miss Black" he said. "Many young wizards and witches like yourself have held that wand and it hasn't awoken since it was found at the scene of her death. It's only right that her granddaughter is the next owner of that wand."

My mother handed the man money for the wand as I waited outside. She walked out looking at the wand.

"Do you want to hold onto it for me?" I asked.

She slightly nodded forcing a smile. She put the wand in the inside of her jacket. I practically dragged my mother to a shop that peaked my interest. I smiled at the shopkeeper as I looked around.

"Good morning, how are you today?" The shopkeeper asked.

"We're doing good. How are you?" I asked.

"Splendid as usual" he said.

I walked to the wall that had pictures of the different houses at Hogwarts. I walked past the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff pictures not paying much attention until I reached the Gryffindor main picture. I smiled seeing my father next to my uncle James. I began walking to look at the Slytherin part when I bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going" I said.

I looked at the red haired boy smiling.

"I'm a bit of a klutz myself" he said. "Fred Weasley."

He held his hand out, I reached out shaking it.

"Natalia Black" I said.

His eyes went wide at my words.

"No way" he said.

"Yes way" I laughed.

"George!" He yelled.

I looked to see a boy near identical to him run to him.

"I'm George" he smiled.

"Natalia" I said.

"As in Natalia Bla-" he started.

Fred quickly hit his arm.

"Yes" I said.

"You play quidditch?" He asked.

"Oh no, um I've only heard of it a couple times" I said. "Don't really know how to play. But I've heard it's intersting."

I turned around as my mother walked over smiling.

"This is my mom" I said.

The two boys looked as if royalty stood in front of them.

"What are your names?" She asked.

"I'm Fred and-" Fred started.

"I'm George" the other finished.

"Nice to meet you two boys but I believe we better get going" she said.

"It was nice meeting you Fred. And you, George" I said walking behind my mother.

I followed closely behind my mother as we walked into each shop for my supplies. Eventually we made our way back to the compound. I put my stuff in my room as I laid on my bed. I sat up feeling a jolt of energy as I ran all way to the other side of the compound. I twisted my hands looking at the red glow before throwing them to the targets. I created a red psionic sword with my right hand holding my other hand up turning on the machine. The disks began flying out as I sliced them before they hit my body. I felt someone come in pulling the sword back into my body. I turned around to Alina in her pajamas.

"So is this where you go when you can't sleep?" I asked.

"Mom doesn't want me training like you" she said. "I know she doesn't. So I just train myself."

"You already know how to use your powers, what more can you do?" I asked.

"I want to be like you" she said.

"Do you think I want to train?" I asked. "Go to bed, Alina."

She looked down before leaving the room. so sat down staring at the wall as my head spun.

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