Ch 24: Potions 101

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I rolled to my side as Violet was looking at me.

"Figure out the egg yet?" She asked.

"No but I'm not opening it up again" I said. "Screeching made me want to tear my ears off."

"McGonagall brought something for you earlier" she said.

She walked over placing a box at the end of my bed.

"She said it's for the last task" she said.

I sighed getting up to the bathroom. I began brushing my hair glancing at the egg in the corner of my eye. Violet tossed me my robe as I quickly put it on.

"Snape's going to take points from us" she said as we walked to the dungeons.

"Yeah, well what else is new" I said.

Snape glared at us as we walked into the classroom.

"Late yet again, Miss Lovegood and Miss Black" he said. "Ten points each from Gryffindor."

"Seriously?" I said. "We were maybe two minutes late."

"Another word from you and I'll double it" he said.

I rolled my eyes as we sat down.

"Does anyone know what Amortentia is?" He asked looking around, I raised my hand as he sighed. "Miss Black?"

"It's the most powerful love potion in the world. It smells different to each person. It's considered one of the most dangerous potions" I said lowering my hand.

"Correct" he said and slightly rolled his eyes subtly. "You will be brewing it with your partners."

I turned to Violet to grab the ingredients. I placed the cauldron over the small flame. I poured water and waited for it to get relatively warm. Violet handed me the peppermint flower heads and I sprinkled them in.

"Peppermint leaves" I said.

I watched as she dropped them in the cauldron. I dropped the powdered moonstone in and began stirring.

"Rose thorns" I said as Violet sprinkled them in.

As we were stirring a couple students had already finished waiting for Snape to inspect. Each student had to smell to make sure it worked. Violet raised her hand for Snape to come over. He took a look at it and ordered us to smell it. I hovered over the cauldron.

"Cinnamon, caramel and fire? Like a smokey scent?" I question then quickly smiled recognizing the scent.

Snape rolled his eyes as Violet smelled hers. Her face faltered as she stood up.

"Um I smell grass and firework powder" she said.

"You two are dismissed" Snape said.

Violet grabbed her textbooks running out of the room. I did the same following her.

"I just want to be alone" she said.

"Vi!" I yelled.

I ran after her as she ran up the steps leading to the rest of the school. I sighed walking towards transfiguration. After classes I began looking for Violet. To no avail I slowly walked back to the common room.

I sat at one of the tables grabbing a book from the shelf before doing so. A few chapters in George say opposite to me. I looked up smiling as he winked.

"Heard you smelled me in potions" he smirked.

"Maybe" I said.

"Well I smiled coconut" he said. "Just coconut."

"Hmm weird" I smiled.

He leaned back in his chair as I went back to my book. He took candies out of his pocket as he began throwing them at me. I held my hand out as he began to throw another. The price of candy as a slight red glow around it as I threw it to George.

"Quit throwing those at me" I said. "Where did you even get those?"

"Fred and I made them" he said.

I grabbed one of them from the table examining it.

"Ton-Tongue Taffy?" I questioned.

"It'll make the persons tongue swell up" he said.

"Seriously?" I said.

"What?" He said. "Should've seen the first year we have one to this morning."

"Poor kid" I said.

"Um was Violet acting weird today?" He asked.

"I mean she ran out of potions after we made Amortentia" I said. "She smelled grass and firework powder."

"I haven't seen Fred at all" he said. "Angelina told me he smelled lavender and vanilla."

"Oh" I said. "That makes sense."

"You think they're together?" He asked.

"I'd like to think she'd tell me" I said. "Unless they're scared?"

Harry ran in looking around the common room until his eyes landed on me. He motioned for me to follow him. I got up kissing George's cheek before following the boy.

"I figured the egg out" he said.

"How?" I asked.

"You have to put it under water" he said. "It's mer-people singing so it can't be heard on the surface. The next task is going to be at the Black Lake."

I smiled ruffling his hair.

"I'm proud of you" I whispered. "I probably wouldn't have figured it out."

"I already found Alina and told her" he said. "She doesn't seem in the best of moods."

"She just has mixed emotions about this whole thing" I said.

I watched him run off, feeling a presence behind me. I turned around as Violet wiped tears from her face. I walked towards her pulling her into a hug.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"First off I smelled Fred in front of the whole class" she said. "But um-"

"What?" I said.

"I think Jean's near" she said.

"Why do you think that?" I asked.

"I keep seeing flashes of her in dark rooms with wizards around her" she said. "I can feel something happening, something bad. I-I just can't pinpoint what."

"What else do you see?" I asked.

"I think I saw her" she said.

"Saw who?" I asked.

"My mum" she said.

"You couldn't of, she's dead" I said. "She's buried at the mansion."

"I can feel it's her" she said.

"That's just not possible" I said.

"It's her" she said.

I went wide eyed realizing she was right.

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