Ch 35: Infinity War

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"Can't you find her with your mind tricks?" Steve asked.

"She clearly does not want to be found. No matter how hard I try, her mind matches that of mine, I will not be able to find her" I said.

Sam shrugged turning around to the monitor.

"Would Billy be able to?" Sam asked.

I thought for a second although my mothers and mine powers outmatched Billy's his mind was stronger than ours, being able to break down the walls of mine.

"He's a child. He shouldn't the involved in this" I said.

"It's our only option! She could be in trouble Natalia!" Steve yelled.

"Fine!" I yelled.

I walked down the hall to find Billy and Tommy sitting across from on another whispering.

"Billy I need you" I said.

He nodded walking past me.

"I'm coming too!" Tommy said.

"You will not" I said.

"If Billy goes, I go. I'm not leaving him behind" he said.

"Fine" I said.

Tommy walked next to me as we approached the others. Steve was talking to Billy as Sam continued looking at the monitor. I approached Billy kneeling beside him.

"I know you've never done this before but I'm going to need you to use your mind like you never have before. It's going to hurt but you need to find her" I said.

Billy laid down on the table slowly closing his eyes. I put my hands on either side of his head helping him go through the minds of the people around the world looking for her. I closed my eyes as he began shaking and whimpering. I opened my eyes back up realizing he stopped moving. A small smile appeared on his face before his eyes opened.

"Found her" he said.

"Suit up" Steve said.

The four of us nodded. As Tommy and Billy walked back to us, I smiled. Tommy's suit was much like Pietro's, nearly all of it was a light blue and lightning bolts on the front. Billy's was a combination of mine and Thor's. He had always had an admiration of Thor, when he got to pick the design I was shocked when he based it off mine as well. My suit had been a dark red with blood red lines throughout it that nearly glowed. It had full length sleeves and thigh high boots.

The five of us boarded the quinjet heading for Scotland. Tommy sat across the way from me, I turned my head smiling to him. I could tell he was nervous though we were always taught to be ready for a fight. Shortly after we landed Steve and Sam began walking off. I turned to the two young boys before getting off.

"The two of you stay on here. I don't care what happens, what matters is the two of you are safe" I said.

I could tell Tommy had wanted to argue but Billy nodded. I walked behind Steve and Sam as a loud thud was heard.

"We need to split up" I said.

Steve nodded running off towards a train station. Sam and I went separate directions. I looked up to see my mother flying with Vision before crashing into the train station. I began running towards the station bursting through the doors. I saw my mother standing there with psionic balls in each of her hands. Two people I had never seen stood near her. All of them turning to Steve who was in the shadows. The unknown woman threw her spear to him, he immediately caught it. She seemed to be taken back. I ran behind her creating a psionic sword swinging it to the back of her knee causing her to fall to the ground as blood escaped her leg. I slid across the floor standing back up as Sam swooped down throwing her companion to the floor. He stood up throwing his spear, I quickly caught onto it levitating it to his stomach as he fell to the ground next to her. Steve, Sam and I stood over them.

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