Ch 22: Dragons

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I sat looking at the woman with an abundance of make up on her face.

"Now sweetie, tell me what it's like being a part of history?" Rita Skeeter asked.

"I don't know?" I said. "Normal?"

"Boring. Anyway, anybody in your love life? A girl as beautiful as you are has to have a special someone" she smiled.

"That's rather personal" I said.

"You are a rather private person?" She said. "What was it like growing up being the daughter of a murderer and world criminal?"

She smiled as I looked in her mind, at her deepest memories.

"What was it like not knowing who your parents are?" I asked.

"What?" She said.

"Don't talk about my parents when you don't even know yours" I said. "My father is not a murderer nor is my mother a criminal."

She stopped her quill from writing.

"Did you forget I can read minds? I can see the darkest parts of your pathetic life" I said standing up. "This interview is over."

I walked out of the room sighing. Alina began walking towards me.

"Don't even bother" I said. "She's going to make up whatever she puts in the paper anyway."

"That bad?" She said.

"She's pathetic" I said.

I walked to Gryffindor Tower as someone yelled my name behind me.

"Natalia!" Ron yelled.

"Yes, Ron" I said.

"I know what the first task is" he said.

I looked at him confused.

"How?" I asked.

"I just do" he said.

"Okay, do go on" I said.

"Dragons" he said.

"Dragons?" I asked. "Are you serious?"

"I'm almost sure the other champions know besides Hogwarts" he said.

"Have you already told Harry?" I asked.

He looked away as I tilted my head.

"We're not talking" he said.

"And why not?" I asked.

He stayed silent. I smacked the back of his head as I walked away.

"Ow!" He yelled.

I rolled my eyes looking for Violet when George ran to me throwing me over his shoulders.

"George!" I yelled.

"Shh" he said.

He ran through the halls finally setting me down. I looked around confused as he held his hand out smiling. I took it as he brought my body closer to his. I placed my free hand on his bicep as we began swaying back and forth.

"Thought you could use some practice" he said.

"Oh yeah?" I said.

"Yeah" he whispered.

He inched closer as our noses touched. I looked into his brown eyes smiling.

"I never liked the color green until I looked in your eyes for the first time" he said softly.

"I love you, George Weasley" I said.

"Do you think you could ever live a normal life after all of this?" He asked.

"I'd hope so" I said.

"Freddie and I want to open a joke shop" he said.

"I know" I laughed.

"It's always been a dream of ours" he said pushing my hair back. "But I'd give it up to spend a normal life with you."

"What if I'm not here?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't you?" He asked.

"I don't know what the future holds" I said.

"Nothing will happen to you" he said.

"You don't know that" I said.

I put my head to his chest listening to his heart beat increase.

"What about New Jersey?" He asked.

"New Jersey?" I smiled. "Why there?"

"Isn't it by New York?" He asked questioning himself.

"It is" I said.

"We can build a house of our own" he said. "And grow old there."

I laughed looking up.

"Deal" I said.

He lifted my chin crashing his lips onto mine. He lowered his hands picking me up as I wrapped my arms around his neck. We turned our heads as Fred walked around the corner instantly putting his hands over his eyes.

"Bloody hell" he said.

George put me down going over to smack Fred.

"Anyways" Fred said. "Ron told me you're going to fight a dragon!"

George whipped his head to me as I smiled.

"A dragon?" He said.

"Yeah" I said. "I mean I've obviously never fought a dragon but um I think I'll be fine."

"Have you fought anything like it?" He asked.

"Well, I've fought sentinels in the Danger Room" I said. "For training."

They looked at each other confused.

"Not even going to ask" Fred said.

"I should probably find Alina" I said.

I walked past them looking around, walking around the entire castle until going to the pitch. I smiled watching Violet practice with Alina. Violet turned her body to its diamond form as Alina held her hands up creating a magnetic force field around her. I walked closer as they both turned their heads.

"Oh don't mind me go on" I said.

"How are you feeling?" Violet asked.

"Does dad know?" Alina asked.

"Harry told him, so yeah" I said. "From what I've heard, he is not very happy."

"It's not like he can do anything" she said.

I nodded agreeing.

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