Ch 23: First Task

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I sat on the edge of my bed as my leg shook.

"You okay?" Violet asked looking over.

"Yeah" I said. "I'm just- just nervous for Alina."

"She's been practicing a lot to prepare" she said. "She'll be fine, Nat."

I took a deep breath walking over to the bathroom. I grabbed the Gryffindor jersey taking off my pajama top, slipping it on. I grabbed a scrunchie putting half my hair up. I walked out as Violet threw my boots. I quickly put them on as she put maroon and yellow face paint on.

"Is that really necessary?" I asked.

"Fred and George made signs so I'd say my support is a little more subtle" she said.

"I better find Billy" I said.

"Common room" she said.

I nodded walking out and down the stairs. I smiled as students wished me good luck. I found Billy sitting at a table near the window. I walked towards him noticing a green and silver scarf around his neck.

"Not even supporting me?" I laughed.

"Tommy has my Gryffindor scarf" he smiled. "Are you scared?"

"It's going to be fine" I said. "I'm not scared of any dragon."

"Yeah" he smiled slightly.

"I should get going" I said. "I'm running late."

He nodded slowly walking to the door. As i walked towards the pitch I got escorted into a red tent. I stood with Alina to my left and Harry on my other side as we were directed to stand in a circle around the Minister.

"Each of you will select your dragon from this bag" the Minister said holding a yellow velvet bag.

Fleur slowly put her hand in the bag pulling out a small dragon. Alina hesitantly put her hand in pulling out a green dragon. The Minister looked at me as I did the same.

"It's kinda cute this way" I said.

Harry pulled out a very angry looking dragon.

"That is a Hungarian Horntail. The most aggressive" the Minister said walking away smiling.

I turned to Harry who gulped staring at the small dragon in his palm. Alina was the first to compete, then it was myself.

"You got this, Peach" I smiled as she walked out of the tent.

My leg shook as screams and cheering was heard. A man appeared looking at me.

"Natalia Black" he said.

I grabbed Harry's shoulder before getting up to follow him. I entered the arena as students cheered angering the dragon. It roared looking up as fire spit out of its mouth as I hid behind a rock.

"I got this. I got this" I whispered to myself.

I twisted my right hand forming a psionic ball in my palm. I peeped over the rock throwing the psionic ball to the right of the dragon making it turn its attention to the noise. I saw the egg in the corner of my eye. I ran towards it as the dragon began spitting fire once more. I created psionic swords holding it out in front of me in an X fighting against the flames. The flames stopped as my breathing became heavy.

"Sorry" I said before throwing a psionic ball to its stomach.

It staggered back. I held my hand out as it glowed red.

"Sleep" I said.

The dragon was far bigger than any mind I had controlled. I felt something inside of me, something I had never felt before.

"Sleep!" I yelled as its body hit the ground.

I walked over to the egg holding it up as everybody cheered, except the Slytherins. Walking out of the arena I held my heart as my heartbeat began to slow down. George ran up to me throwing his arms around my body.

"Scared me out there" he said.

"I'm fine" I laughed.

I looked behind him as Fred and Violet ran over giving me a water bottle. I downed the water in thirty seconds handing it back to Fred. Billy and Tommy came out of nowhere knocking me over.

"You almost got burnt to a crisp" Tommy muttered.

"Luckily I didn't" I said.

The two boys helped me up as I looked to Billy.

"Told you I'd be fine" I said.

"Mom would be proud" Tommy smiled.

I ruffled his hair turning around to Alina. I noticed a small scratch on her cheek, walking towards her.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

I grabbed her face turning it to get a better look at the scratch.

"It's just a tiny scratch" she said. "Didn't hurt much."

I wrapped my arms around her.

"Did you get the egg?" I asked.

"Yeah" she said.

"Good" I smiled.

Some time later we all looked up to see Harry on his broom speeding away and the dragon right behind him. I stood up looking at Viktor and Fleur who were shocked. I looked at Billy.

"Remember that illusion we did when we were younger?" I asked in his mind.

He nodded.

"Do it" I said.

I watched as his hand glowed blue. A vision of myself sat beside him. I slowly levitated a rock throwing it behind the two causing them to turn around. I flew up into the air landing on the roof of one of the buildings looking around for Harry. I found him hanging onto the edge of a windowsill. I levitated his broom placing it to where he could jump onto it. He looked directly to me smiling. I jumped down flying to the other champions. Billy quickly got rid of the illusion. Not long after Harry flew back towards the arena with his egg.

Soon we all stood beside each other as the places were made. In last was Fleur due to her entire outfit nearly being burned. Next was Alina then Viktor. I turned to Harry smiling.

"Harry Potter!" Ludo yelled.

Harry went to get his medal as everyone turned to me.

"Natalia Black is the first place winner of the first task!" He yelled.

I walked up to him as he handed me my medal.

"Great job" he whispered shaking my hand. "We'll see how the rest of the tournament goes."

I walked away not saying another word. I glared at Ludo until we were allowed to leave. I walked up to Violet putting my mouth to her ear.

"What do you know about Ludo Bagman?" I asked.

She looked at me confused.

"He's greedy with money and an all around shady person, why?" She asked.

"He just seems off" I said.

"Time to party!" Fred yelled walking towards me.

George picked me up as the Gryffindors chanted.

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