Ch 11: Fight

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I turned in bed to see Violet staring at me. I instantly sat up.

"What is wrong with you!" I yelled.

"I didn't want to wake you up, you looked peaceful" she said.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Billy got into a fight with another student" she said.

"What!" I said.

I jumped out of bed pulling over one of my Gryffindor sweaters and some socks. I ran down to the common room to find everyone staring at me. I looked around not finding him, instantly walking out.

"Where is he?" I asked as I walked around to no real destination.

"He was in McGonagall's office but now I'm not sure" Violet said closely behind me.

I practically walked around the whole school until I found him sitting in a corner with George and Fred by his side. George was the first to notice my presence as he slowly stood up. He held his arm up shaking his head.

"Don't even, George" I said.

"Billy Black you tell me exactly what happened right now" I said.

As I approached him looking at him closer the boy had a small cut under his eye, a bruise on his cheek and his nose was bleeding.

"What happened, Billy?" I asked softly placing my hand on his face.

"These two Slytherin boys kept saying you were evil, like dad. A-and I told them you're not. I didn't want to use my powers on them" he sniffled. "They told McGonagall I started it."

I moved his hair to the side.

"Can you give us a moment?" I asked.

George and Fred walked a couple feet before stopping. I looked at the cut hovering my hand over it as it slowly closed.

"Who did this?" I asked.

"Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle" he said.

"It'll be okay" I said kissing his cheek before standing up.

"Nat!" George yelled.

I ignored him as I walked down the hall. Fred stayed behind comforting Billy.

"Don't do it" he said.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I said.

He looked at me.

"I'm not going to hurt them" I said.

Then I realized something.

"Have you seen Tommy?" I asked.

George thought about it before his eyes went wide. We went running towards the dungeons where the Slytherin common room entrance was. As the two of us got there we heard mumbling. We turned the corner to find the two boys in the corner being held up by some type of glue with tape over their mouths.

"Well looks like Tommy beat me to it" I said. "Be my lookout."

George looked around making sure no one came around the corners. I held my right hand up sending a red psionic beam splitting the glue as the two fell. I levitated their bodies before they hid the ground propping them on the ground safely.

"Touch my brother again and I will do something for you to truly call me evil" I said ripping the tape off their mouths.

They screamed holding their mouths. I smiled as they ran the other direction. I turned to George.

"Do you mind doing me a favor?" I asked.

"Anything" he said.

"I'm not always going to be able to be around him. Could you look after him? Him and Tommy may be twins but they are polar opposites. They do everything together but Tommy knows how to take care of himself. Billy needs someone to be by his side. I don't think he realizes truly how powerful he is and yet he lets people walk over him" I said.

"He's a good kid" George smiled. "With a sister like you I'm sure he'll learn how to handle people."

George and I walked back to Billy. I sighed looking at the bruise on his face.

"You know he's gotten bullied at Charles' school" I said. "But nothing like this, they never actually hurt him just teasing. I should go back and find those goons."

"Nat, that's not a good idea" he said.

"You're right" I said.

George and I walked down the hall to the library after walking Billy back to the common room.

"I'm completely over Flitwicks class" he huffed.

"He's not that bad I don't know why you always complain about him" I laughed.

"He hates me" he said.

"I find it hard to believe he hates you" I said.

"He hates me" he repeated.

"He does not" I said.

He shrugged as we sat down at an empty table. I held my hand out as a book made its way to my hand. We both began reading as laughing was heard feet away from us.

"Is that Violet and-" he started.

"Roger Davies?" I said.

"Fred better not see that, he already hates Davies" he said.

"Yeah he'll really have a reason to hate him" I said.

"Do we really have to read?" He asked.

"Well you don't have to read here with me" I said. "You're more than welcome to leave at any time."

"Not happening" he said grabbing a book.

"I'm going to find a different book" I said.

I stood up looking down the aisles until I found Harry having trouble grabbing a book.

"Need help?" I asked.

He nodded as I smiled. I held my hand up levitating the book down to Harry's hands.

"I heard about Billy" he said.

"He'll be fine" I said. "Eventually."

I walked back to the table looking behind George to Violet pushing Roger before walking out of the library.

"What's wrong?" George asked.

"I'm going to be right back" I said.

"What?" He said.

I walked up to Roger pushing him against the shelf.

"What did you do, Davies?" I asked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Black" he smirked.

I held my hand up to his face as a small psionic ball appeared.

"I-I tried to kiss her" he said closing his eyes.

I let go of his shirt walking away. I created a red psionic rope wrapping it around his legs before pulling, yanking him to the ground. I walked out of the library looking around. I ran to the pitch as Violet laid in the center staring up at the stars.

"Care to get any anger out?" I asked.

She stayed silent.

"Roger told me" I said.

"He's such a loser" she said.

"Stand up, let's do some training of sort" I said.

She turned her head smiling.

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