I knew authorities had to be in the way but I know the address by heart and it's very hard to find this place. I started climbing the stair railing, when I made it to the middle point, I decided to take a leap of faith. Literally. I jumped off the second story railing and grabbed the third story stairs, doing a slight backflip to have contact with them while I grabbed into the third story railing, pulling myself up. I jumped over the rest of the railing on the final floor. All I had to do was sneak last these guards. And...oh shit.

The roof was right down the hall. The hall the guards happened to be standing in. And it was out the door they just so happened to be blocking.

"Fuck," I cussed under my breath. I shimmed across the wall, looking for any sort of distraction. When I saw a rock. I bent down and grabbed it, panting slightly. I heard sirens drive past multiple times but they were to far away to know where this place actually was. How they don't spot a four story building I have no idea.

I took my chance. And threw the rock. The rock bounced off the walls and back down the hall. I knew how to fight. If they caused any sort of problems I would be able to handle them until I reached the door. I took a huge gulp of air when the guards turned to the rock rolling straight down the other hall from me. I heard footsteps and soon, I saw the guards come to inspect the wall. In the time their back was turned, I made a run for it, accidentally kicking some armor they had taken off, alerting them further. "STOP HIM!" One of them shouted. There were soon footsteps pounding behind me. I was grabbed from behind, right as I reached for the door. I swerved around, drew back my fist, and before I knew it, one of the guards was laying on his back holding his nose. The other lunged at me, and as if on instinct, I kicked him in his gut, hurried to open the door and run out. Finding the red stairs leading up to the roof in a second.

I shot up the steps, but once again, was grabbed from behind, this time by my leg. "You're a brave bitch I'll give you that," the soldier I punched in the nose hissed. "And you're a stupid one," I scowled, kicking him in his face once again, standing up and trying to run. But he kept pulling me down.

I was yanked down the stairs again, this timez in mid air I flipped around and kicked his head against the brick wall before jumping upz ignoring the scaring pain in my back as I did so. "You're starting to piss me off kid," he murdered, smirking as he stood back up and started taking swings at me, which I dodged. "Likewise," I let out a breath before hammering my fist into his stomach and face multiple times without end.

Finally, he fell to the ground, blood smearing the walls as he slid down from his broken and bleeding nose.

Just when I thought all was done I heard more footsteps ascending the stairs. I growled, realizing I hadn't finished his partner off. That's when someone landed next to me on the railing. I quickly jumped up three steps, only to find....the green ninja. "It's about time!" I said, blood pouring down my face from taking multiple hits to the metro stairs. "Y/- kid are you okay?!" I sighed. "Yeah I'm good, nothing but my pride it hurt," I lied. I was in pain. Alot of it.

"Sorry for the wait, my team and I had to take care of these guys friends."

"It's fine, honestly, I was on my way to call the police. Glad y'all are here now though," I panted, anxiety rising at the approaching footsteps. "Umm, how about I hold him off and you go call the police, don't worry, he won't get passed me," the Green Ninja said proudly. I nodded, turning to run up the stairs, before I stopped dead set in my tracks.

I turned around to see the soldier a few flights of stairs away. "Uhh, Green Ninja, my friend is in the building, Lloyd Garmodon, he was in the boys bathroom because everyone was starting to blame him for the attack - which isn't his fault - anyways, uhh, I wanted to know if you know is he okay?" I jumbled out. "Oh..Lloyd Garmodon...albino boy?" I nodded. "Oh yeah! Him and I are friends actually, don't worry, I know he had nothing to do with this, and don't worry, he's perfectly fine. Was one of my first priorities!" "great, thanks!" I yelled, running back up the stairs, finally making it to the roof.

I wiped out my phone and dialed 911.

"Hello, yes, this is Y/n L/n over at the Planetarium that Garmodon is attacking, yes, the address is Northeast, Evergreen 19, A. St."

The operator said they were in their way and in the distance I heard sirens. Suddenly, a hand was placed on my shoulder. I pulled my fist back, fully intending to punch whoever was bebind me but stopped when I saw Greeny. "Are they on their way?" I nodded, sitting on the floor, ignoring the sharp pain and burning in my back as I wiped the blood off my face, using the sleeve of my hoodie.

"You were pretty good out there, that's definitely gonna be in the news," The Green Ninja joked. I shook my head with a smile. "I hope not. I don't want publicity." He cocked his head. "Isn't that why you did it?" I shook my head again. "I did it because I had a friend that was in danger." I said, refering to Lloyd. "You...did it to help your friend?" I cocked a brow, slightly offended "Obviously, I don't get best up like this for just strangers, though I probably would if I felt it was right. You gonna tell me that's why you and your team do it? Publicity?"

He hurried to shake his head.

"No! No, that's not what I meant, all I meant was that, that's why most people do it. To get recognized, i-i'm sorry if I-" I laughed. "Relax Greeny, I'm joking with ya', I know why you guys do what you do." Suddenly cops pulled up and I started to stnad up. "Well, I guess they're yours now, have a good day Greeny," I smiled, limping back down ths stairs and into the boys bathroom. He was right, Lloyd wasn't there. Which was good.

I walked over to a mirror and cringed at the sight of my face. My lip was bleeding and so was my nose. I sighed, grabbing some paper towels. I pulled up my shirt, turned around, and pulled out my phone, opening Snapchat and looking in the camera in the mirror. Oh shit.

There was a huge cut from one part of my hip straight to the other. I cringed. I grabbed more paper towels and stuck them against my back, trying to blink the tears away.

Suddenly, the door was thrown open, but I didn't care who saw me. "Y/n the Green Ninja said you came insid- OH MY GOSH WHAT HAPPENED?!" Lloyd yelled, running over to me and inspecting my injuries.

"You said- he told me you said you weren't hurt..." Lloyd whispered. I laughed bitterly. Not towards Lloyd, just in general because this shit hurts like hell.
"Why did you lie to him," Lloyd asked as he pulled out the bathroom first aid. "He was already busy, dealing with the police and stuff, didn't wanna bother him- plus- Ahh!" I hissed as he wiped the cut with an alcohol wipe. "Plus I didn't know it was this bad," I hissed, grabbing onto the counter.

Lloyd finally relieved me from suffering and put a bandage on the cut. "I'm taking you to the doctor when we get back to town, and I'm not taking no for an answer," he cleared his arms, glaring at me. I chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Okay, okay. Also, since when did you know Greenie?" Lloyd shift. "Well, being the Overlords son, you get investigated. I guess he thought I wasn't that bad and...we just became friends I guess?" I nodded.

"I'm glad you're safe Lloyd, I smiled. He smiled to, a light flood of color slreading in his cheeks, most likely from embarrassment.

"You too- I mean, I'm glad you're okay too," he fidgeted nervously. I laughed.

"C'mon, we should get back to the bus," I said, grabbing his sleeve and pulling him along.

"Oh and Y/n?" "Hmm?" "Never lie to him, I think he knew." I nodded. "Hopefully I won't have to." He nodded. "Hopefully," he said as we sit down. "I'm definitely sleeping on this ride," I told him. He laughed. "Then go to sleep, don't worry, I'll protect you," he grinned.

I rolled my eyes. "wake me up?" "Of course."

And with that, I fell back asleep.

Lloyd×Male!reader Sin Of Hope|Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now