I laughed and removed my tie, then opened the first two buttons of my shirt. My cuff following, I rolled my shirt to my elbow and covered my face with both hands. Wondering.

Wondering where exactly I went wrong. She didn't seem nervous and she didn't say anything about having second thoughts. I was sure of it, in fact last night we were talking about our honeymoon and mariage.

"She left this in her room."

Bueze handed me a nicely folded paper and I smiled with tears clouding my eyes. Yeah it's her alright, no one folds papers like that. I took it and opened it and it was her hand writing quite alright, her perfect hand writing that I fell for too.

It was also my name at the beginning and her name at the end of the letter too. Only this time, it wasn't a love letter.
I love you. God knows that I do, I love you so much that sometimes I feel like I'm in pain. I want more than anything in the world to take your name, to be yours, to spend every of my waking moment with you, by your side, to have your children, I want for you to be mine. So much that l ache but-

I stopped reading, I didn't have it in me to find out why. I don't want to find out why. It's not over, she's just having cold feet.

I noticed my eyes were bloodshot and lined with unshed tears. I took out my phone and dialed her number.

Switched off.

I shuddered at the cold blanket of Deja Vu feeling that settled upon me. She's gone. Again. I can't go through that again, I can't live without her in my life again. I looked at the side mirror again and this time the tears were rolling down.

"I need to go." I rasped opening the car. The car all of a sudden felt stuffed, like all the air had been sucked out. I tugged at my buttons this time, opening them with frenzy.

"Mike. Mike." Ij ran after me and held me back.

"Where are you going to?"

"Anywhere, I just need to be alone."

"Being alone is not an option. You're hurting and you need to be around people."

"Thanks for the concern Ij. But I really need to be alone right now."

"Mike." I turned again and she smiled, even though it didn't reach her eyes.

"I don't know why Kamso did this, but I do know that she loves you. She's crazy about you."

"I know she does, but it seems she doesn't love me enough. I need the quiet. Please... just..just let me be okay? Just let me be."


"Oh my God! It was epic!" I watched my sisters-in-law as they laughed and gisted about it.

"As in eeh, the way Mike almost broke out in tears at the altar shaa. I did feel sorry for him shaa, but seriously I've never laughed this much."

"Don't you guys think its too much?" I finally asked, I have to admit it's not funny at all.

I didn't grow up playing pranks, at least not big crazy ones like this, so it did seem too much to me, even though they've tried to convince me that Mike had done even worse than this. And he wouldn't bat an eyelid doing something like this. Somkele even said he'd be proud of them. Like what the hell is wrong with these people?

"If mum finds out we pulled this stunt, she's going to kill us." Somkele said.

"Well she won't find out."

"I got the footage." Adaora singsang and danced into the room. Amaka walked behind her with a large bowl of popcorn and the others each with cups of soft drink. Are you joking me, Mike's sisters were all crazy, like seriously.

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