"What is it Kamso?" I turned to see what she was looking at. God. Please not today, not now that I've started making some progress.

"Oh my word. I never thought I would see the
day. Mike."

Sophia lke.

I looked at Kamso and she was reaching for her hand bag, I covered her hand with mine and held her gaze. For the first time since we met again, I read her expression perfectly. Mistrust. That was all I saw. Well at least anger wasn't there.

"Kamso. Don't go. Please."

"What? So you can-

"Mgbo." her eyes searched mine and the unshed tears that filled her eyes broke my heart. She looked up when Sophia finally got to our table and I forced myself to look away from her face.

"Kaiso is it? Wow, imagine seeing you after all these years."

She pulled out a chair and joined us. "You haven't changed at all." she said to me.

"Sophia. I didn't know you were in Lagos."

"I actually came because I heard you were back. I was going to come to your office later this week but since you're here now. I figured we could talk."


"Privately." I looked at Kamso but she shook her head.

"It's fine. Take your time." Did she mean no?

I nodded regardless and brought her hands to my lips in a kiss. Sophia and I went over to another table and all the while, I kept my eyes on Kamso.

"I'm sorry." my eyes snapped up to Sophia and she was looking at Kamso too.

"You told her didn't you." I'd been suspecting all those years but I couldn't be so sure of the reason Kamso left. Sophia nodded and turned to me.

"I showed her the video."

"You showed her what video?" I asked having a bitter taste in my mouth all of a sudden.

"Of us, in the hotel room that day. That day you took me to Asaba, I had already planned ahead. I already reserved that room and had someone set up a camera before we got there, in hope you would fall for it. I never meant for all these to happen."

"There's no way you could've planned everything that happened. It's not possible." I said thinking back on that day.

"I mean I didn't plan the whole thing. I counted on the traffic, the rain helped. But you have to understand..... I was desperate Mike. We used to have something, al the while I left I pinned for you, only to come back and see you all over her. I wanted you for myself. I had to do something. Anything."

"So you...."


God. I swallowed hard and looked at Kamso again, she was already looking at me. Our eyes locked and I looked away. God please, let there be hope for us. Now I understood her anger and mistrust. She saw. My heart squeezed with pain as I imagined the hurt
she felt when she saw that video.

"Mike, I can't start to tell you how sorry I am for what I did. You and your family were nothing but help to me and I repaid you with that. I just didn't know that you would break down like that. I didn't plan for you to go through all that pain."

I looked at her really for the first time.

"You're sorry? You ruined a perfect....."

I stopped wasn't her fault, it was all my fault. It was my fault for leading her on, for agreeing to stay back when I could have looked for another hotel to stay that night. Mostly for letting myself be seduced. For
hurting the one girl I've ever loved.

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