"where are you going at this hour?"

"To inform my team about this new update. You sleep I will return soon" He said going but before that, he returned back and stepped into his dressing room and turned off the sensors blocking any entry.

Making sure of it he went out. Nandini understood his intention and went to her room silently.


Last day of the year,

Like unusual, she was alone in the room. Manik didn't return or he left early? She thought while getting out of bed and completing her business and went down in search of him but she saw Jack sitting beside their pet dog champ talking with him.

"You are here only then where did Manik go so early"

"Out, he will not return entire day"

"But new year? The world paused then why he is working today also? Can't he pause for one day" Nandini pouts upset.

"He will not celebrate new years or birthday" Jack told not looking up.

"Why so?"

"Aunty died today only. Today fully he will not talk to anyone and stay alone beside her"

"I didn't understand, what you mean by staying beside"

"Her memorial"

"Where is that place?"


"means there was another house just like this" Nandini asked curiously.

"Not this big but there is one but it's not a house anymore" Jack said dishearted.

"Did you seen me here when I was young visited this place?" Nandini asked suddenly Jack looked at her confused by the weird question.

"I didn't get it"

"I met Manu in my childhood, I came to USA two times I think and Manik came to my home 5 times.  We spent days together on our holidays. I remembered all of it. According to your story, Manik and lily aunty got you home means you are in his life before her death. Then why didn't I see you on my last visit? I know I was too young to remember but you might have some idea like what is happening inside the house and how she died and all? Do you know how she died?" Nandini showered all her questions blocking his mind. 

"Wait! I don't have much idea about her death. Mom needed health care and a peaceful place to recover so we both are sent for therapy. By the time we returned Lily aunty was no more and Manik was broken. Before all this Manik said a lot of good things about you, but after the death of his mom he was depressed and never spoke to anyone, but one day he came to me and said like 'my mom was been killed brutally and I want to kill them all' I was too young to understand it but I saw pain in him so I accepted this revenge game" Jack confided the things he knows.

She got a clear idea on what Manik's intention about the truth. He doesn't wanna share the truth behind his mom's death even if it's with his dad or best friend or anyone. But Fighting for something alone may not work in the long run using multiple directions can give the right way. She thought and requested Jack to take her to the farmhouse.

He denied it but gave in for her stubbornness. As he said he dropped her near the gate.

"Security?" Nandini asked don't fully seeing the place isolated.

"It's a secret place. None can track her as well" Jack said looking at the house.

"You will not come inside" Nandini asked don't fully.

"He will get angry. I doubt about you only,  make sure you won't get hurt. If anything else call me I will be riverside"

"what you will do there?" Nandini asked curiously.

"Will count water drops! Go do your business"

"Shall I call Sheetal to help you?" she chuckled all excited taking her phone.

"No thanks, dont ruin any" He smiled going.  Nandini felt its better she just texted Sheetal telling her Jack was upset and sitting on the lakeside alone.

Entering the farmhouse her eyes fell on the worn off building which was more like a palace but old as the paints are outdated and there is zero maintenance around. But one side of the garden is pretty clean as there was the place where Lily's grave was in built but a huge memorial popped out under a circled shelter. Manik was sitting beside lost in his thoughts.

"Manuuu..." Nandini called out in whimper that he felt it's his mother calling him. 

"Mammaaa...  Mamma" Manik almost cried searching his side. In meanwhile Nandini placed her hand on his shoulder making him look at her.

"You? What you are doing here? Get out" Manik said upset.

"I want to talk to you about something important"

"Will talk anything in the mansion. Now just get off my sight!" he scoffed like mad pushing her back. She just couldn't with stand his aggressive nature of pushing her away all the time.

"Dammit! I know everything about Lily aunty!" She shouted in anger.

"None knows what my mom is! Get out" Manik cried.

"I know every damn thing about her and I also know how she was killed" Nandini confessed breaking his tears into shock.


"I read her diary and I also know the person in the video I have seen in your chamber"

"You!! How dare you peep into my personal life? How can you just do it!" Manik rosed in anger holding her neck.

"If you wanna kill the truth bury me as well but only after killing all those bastards. I promise this truth will die with me. Please let me help you, please trust me I was just living to help you! I beg you Manu, somewhere I was the reason for her death. I can't let them live happy. Please make me part of your revenge. I want her soul to rest in peace. Please try to listen to me once" Nandini cried falling on his feet begging him to accept her help.

Screen frozen on the two broken souls. 

Will Manik make peace with Nandini or push her away from his revenge tale?

Tamed By Tutor/ Guilty RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now