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Moon and me aren't the same?
Surrounded by many
Still alone.

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Author pov

"DAD" y/n shouted walking inside the living room with her laptop her steps are slow and hands are shaking in fear she don't want any of these to be true , not even in her worst nightmare.

Minyoung who was ready to leave for office with y/n come out from room and look at her state " why are you shouting, you think I left?" He asked with a smile in his face and walk toward, now after seeing his smile.. she don't even want to ask him anything, she don't want to reason of that smile shrink.

He examine her face carefully and look at her horrified expression " Princess, what happened? " he said touching her head softly, she chuckle and shake her head " Nothing dad" she said closing her laptop hurriedly.

"What is it?" He asked , she was fine till an hour ago and now she is not at all fine,he can say from her expression , y/n shifted awkwardly in his gaze and laughed " Dad , have you ever did something you regret?" This made minyoung face fall , all colors drain out of his face and heartbeat become fast with her sudden question.

"N-No" he answered with hesitation and look at y/n who have judging look in her face...she is in fear, fear of loosing one more person in her life.. one more precious person whome she trust with her whole heart.

"Dad , you know something about K-ken which I don't? " She asked , Ken name sounds so foreign from her lips, the person she dreading the most ... do that really deserves her hate?

"What are you even asking? , how can I know something different? Everything happened in front of your eyes" he said very fastly looking here there,avoiding her eyes, y/n can say he is lying but again what is point of lying, he didn't do this right? He can't!

"I'm not talking about the things happened in front of my eyes, I'm talking about which happened behind my back" she replied trying to keep her heavy heartbeats in check which is racing because of adrenaline in her body is very her right now.

"Y/n say it clearly " he said , he is dead serious because he only call her by her name when he is serious. Y/n breath out, okay she is asking this.

"Dad, are you the one who paid to someone for sleeping with ken?" She asked directly without any hesitation, and minyoung's whole existence come crushed down with just few of her words , the truth he was trying to hide from her is now finally in light but how? This can't be the one he is thinking as.

"I-I was-" he try to speak but words are stuck in his throat, he can't make out a sentence,he gulp his saliva in nervousness .. he look like a criminal who get caught after doing a big crime in her judging eyes.

"Is it true dad?" She asked again almost inaudible, she will believe him if he said no and she will believe him if he said yes .. on his one answer the future depends...

"Princess I just wanted her to stay awa-" he try to talk but only to get cut off by y/n " yes or no " she said looking at his eyes without any expression..the same look he saw on her face at Ken's funeral.

"Listen first , she was not your type and-" he said and y/n smashed her laptop in the ground with force " I asked if it is true or not? Not an explanation " She asked in dangerously low voice , her eyes are staring minyoung soul who is shivering under her gaze.

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