How it was ended!!

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I just loved the wrong person..but
It's not my fault ...

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Author pov

Mr. Mun is in his study doing some late night work. Then He hear voices like someone is throwing something in rage. It coming from y/n's room. He checked time it's 12: 30 already, so he make his way toward her room to check what the sound is with his coffee in his hands.

He reach her room's doorstep. He was about knock but door was open so he walk in without knocking.

He saw a scene which he never expected to see in this life....

Y/n studying at late night she is basically pulling her hair but still she is on her study table which was abundant for ages.

He walk further to check or he'll get a heartattack"y/n-ah" he said softly bringing back a groaning y/n who look exhausted.

"What are you doing?" He asked not believing that this is real.

"I'm studying dad" she said in very tired voice . " for college? " He asked to which y/n nodded. " which college you are aiming? " this made y/n gulp and look at Mr. Mun " umm... SNU" she said hesitantly making Mr mun chock on his coffee and he start laughing and coughing loudly. He try to suppress it but failed.

Y/n groan embarrassed by the fact that everyone Making fun of her but she is trying very hard now.

" Dad, I'm not talking to you , you all are same... yoongi and Ken also laughed after listening to me" she whined burying her face in english textbook in embarrassment.

"It is shocking and i get it ,that I told you to dream high but I didn't told you to dream impossible " he said still laughing a little by thought of y/n in snu with her very good marks.

"It's not impossible, I have you so everything is possible " she said smirking at fact that her dad can get her any college by giving donations .

"Aren't you a true business man's daughter " Mr. Mun said and ruffle her hairs as he understood what she is trying to say.

"Yup " she said and closed notebook yawning and stand up " good night dad" as her today's study timetable finished and yes she did study.

"Good night... sleep tight... you have to study for snu" he said mocking her and laugh as he listened another groan from y/n.

6 months later

Today results came out which made three of them most happy as luckily Ken and yoongi at same college while y/n tried but didn't get admission by her good marks but she have other way around. They get admission in Korea University.

"So we are living together in Seoul? " yoongi asked excitedly and look at Ken and y/n who are not listening to him , they are busy in themself.

He stand up and smash both of their forehead together making them groan because sudden impact.

"Sucker" y/n cursed rubbing her forehead and narrow her eyes at yoongi who is smirking and shurg Slightly. Ken just gave a deadly glare to yoongi who gave gummy smile in return.

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