The First Mission.

Start from the beginning

Hashimoto clan member 2:What happens if we get them?

Hashimoto clan member 1:We'll soon become the most powerful clan in all of Japan! We'll wipe out any of our rivals. It's like the boss said when we first took over this dump of a town! Today Kanezaka Tomorrow the rest of Japan! Anyways i gotta get ready to go that damn park by midnight.

Hashimoto clan member 2:Already? But it's still the morning.

Hashimoto clan member 1:Yeah,but the boss wants people to already scout around the area. To see if anyone is snooping around. Heck we're even getting some strong new material for our weapons. Hopefully that blacksmith will be able to make better swords with whatever we're getting.

Kiriko's face immediately changed. She was a little more curious when the blacksmith was mentioned. I noticed that she had somewhat of an angry expression but she was trying to stay clam.

Hashimoto clan member 1:Anyways we better get going soon. I dont want to suffer the boss's wrath all because i was a minute late to the damn debriefing!

The recording would end. All of the members of Yōkai were intrigued by the intel.

Kiriko:So they're having a weapon deal then.

Ryōta:That's what it appears to be.

Nobuto:New weapons hm. Surely i wouldn't mind getting my hands on them and reverse engineering them.

Y/N:I wonder who this group supplying them the weapons could be?

Sakura:That is something that we don't know. Could the Hashimoto be working with an outside source?

Nobuto:Whoever it is,they probably must have some good tech.

Kiriko:Either way. We can't allow the Hashimoto get their hands on those weapons. But we also can't get the attention of this new group as well.

Kiriko would then think to herself a little bit. She needs to find a way to stop this arms deal.

Y/N:Yeah, Didn't you hear what the guy said. If Kanezaka is just a stopping point and the rest of Japan is next. Who knows what'll happen if they get more weapons like that.

Kiriko:That's the one thing that i fear. If the Hashimoto clan grow their influence around Japan. Who knows what worse that can happen.

Ryōta:So do you want us to go to this weapons deal then Kiriko? So we can stop it.

Kiriko:Yes,we need to prevent this arms deal from happening.

Nobuto:Then that settles it. What time are we meeting up here boss?

Kiriko:If the arms deal is going to happen around midnight. Then we'll all meet in here in an hour before midnight got it!

Everyone:Got it!

Kiriko:Then it's settled then. I'll be seeing you all later. I trust that we can all work together. Remember we're all doing this to give our town a better tomorrow!

All of us would leave the warehouse. Mainly to prepare for the mission tonight.

I was a little bit nervous. I just joined this group and my first mission is today,huh?

I looked at the mask that was apart of my outfit. For the first time i would have to rely on something that i didn't even know existed until then.

I was a little nervous. I mean for most of the group it's their second time doing this. But for me it's my first time.

I felt an elbow hitting me on the side of my arm.


I turned my head and looked at Kiriko.

The protectors of Kanezaka (Kiriko x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now