Chapter 4, SANTA IS MY DAD!?

Start from the beginning

"Bernard!" The elf corrected him, sharply.

"What he said..."

Charlie smiled his cute lil smile. "Hi Bernard!" Charlie exclaimed. Placing a hand out to the elf.

"Hiya Sport'!" Bernard greeted, shaking his hand.

Charlie looked at me then dad. "Hey dad! He called me sport just like you!"

"Wonderful." Dad said, not sounding amused at all.

"Try to be a little happier dad, I know I'm never really happy...but that's not the point!" I told dad. "Especially when Mrs Smith catches me and I get detention..." I mumbled.

Dad groaned in annoyance, and I quickly elbowed him. "Don't be rude." I complained.

"Now, be very careful. This is very old...just like me."  Bernard said, handing my brother a snow globe.

I giggled a bit at his joke, and Bernard glanced at me...and grinned. 

I smiled as I watched him give Charlie a snow globe. Charlie eyes were wide as he had wonder in his eyes.

"Shake it up, Charlie." Bernard gave a gentle command.

My younger brother complies and shakes the snow globe a little bit. As the snow fell, it showed a miniature version of the house as it whirled inside the globe. A tiny sleigh was flying by. As it moved, there were faint bell noises. Charlie had an incredulous expression as he regarded it. "Wow..." I overheard Charlie mutter. "I..." I was far too stunned to speak. 

Bernard grinned subtly. "Why don't you hold onto it for a little while, for me? It might come in handy!"

As a small grin crept across Charlie's face. "Thanks...thanks a lot! I promise I'll take real good care of it."

"Make sure you do." Bernard seriously but kindly said to my brother.

As I watched the encounter between the 2, my heart began to swell with joy. After witnessing how kind Bernard was to my brother, I adored seeing him so happy. As a big result, I started to like Bernard a little but more. I approached Bernard. who was smiling a proud smile to himself, as Charlie hurried to show dad his gift. "Hey! I'm going to be very honest with you here, thank you so much for doing that for my brother." I spoke. "I know it meant ALOT to Charlie, but it also meant a lot to me...because, Charlie is my little brother and I love seeing him so happy...that's all I needed for today."

Bernard's cheeks changed a colour to a very soft pink. "oh, uh...I- your welcome." He chuckled. "I don't usually get thanked for my work."

"I think you should...but that's my opinion!"

Bernard shook his head. "Nah!" He said, followed by. "Their smiles are the only thanks I need...I'm gonna be honest with you. It's an amazing feeling, knowing somewhere in this world there's a child smiling because a gift we made, I wouldn't change it for the world."

I actually felt a feeling I hadn't felt in a few years...the Christmas spirit. "That's amazing."  I then sighed.

"What's wrong?" The elf asked. 

I looked up. "It's nothing...just that I get detention almost every day, and I really hate the feeling that I'm probably the worst daughter in the world, and that my boyfriend cheated on me...on Christmas eve not the mention."

The elf was going to say something but then Dad walked over.

"Hey, Barabbs!"

"Bernard!" Bernard and I both corrected dad at the same time.

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