An icy wake-up

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Cohen had just told me he'd filed for divorce. I felt another petal of hope open up in my chest, but tried not to show it on my face.

"Oh Cohen... I'm sorry."

"I am too."

Wait... What?

"I wish I'd done it sooner."

Oh, thank God!

"It just took me a while to realise I was hanging onto something, someone, who didn't exist anymore."

"Can I ask what changed my mind?"

He nodded.

"My Dad."

Now I was confused.

"But didn't you say..."

"Yes, Red. He died a few years ago. But spending time in his cabin, surrounded by memories of who I was before Brittany, made me realise I haven't been myself for a long time."

I watched him trying to find the right words to make this make sense for me.

"I was so busy giving Britt everything she wanted, trying to keep her happy, that I forgot what I wanted. And my Dad hated that! I never knew, and he never told me, but he hated that she made me lose myself."

The regret in his eyes was heartbreaking.

"I lost the last few years with him, because I was so determined to give her everything. And it was never going to be enough. She didn't make me my best self. She took me further and further away from things that fulfilled me and made me happy. She just wanted others to see this facade of success and happiness. It didn't matter that neither of us were happy, just as long as people thought we were."

I took his hand and squeezed it.

"I know it sucks, and it's a big scary step. But I'm glad you've finally worked this out. It's time to find your happy."



I've already found it, Red.

She stood up and turned towards the boardwalk.

"I think I need to call it a night. I can't even work out how many hours I've been awake for. I'm exhausted, and your international treasure hunt wasn't exactly without stress."

I laughed.

"Lucky you have two weeks here to catch up on sleep then!"

A little smile crossed her lips. I stood, and we walked back towards the bungalows.

"It's really beautiful out here."

"Yeah, it is."

I'm not even taking in the scenery. She is bathed in moonlight, and her skin is glowing in the moonlight, tired eyes and all.

She suddenly stops dead and turns to me.

"I completely forgot to ask... are you staying..."

I raised an eyebrow at her not-so-subtle question, and finished it for her.

"In the bungalow next to yours? Yeah, I am."

I can tell, even in this lighting, that her cheeks have lit up in their usual crimson tint. I've obviously surprised her with my answer.

"I thought it made sense. You can have your own space, but if you want to hang out, I won't be far away... unless you want me to ask to be moved to the other side of the resort? It might be a bit last minute to organise tonight, at such short notice, but tomorrow I can..."

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