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I got home and managed to unpack, before running a steaming bath and pouring myself a glass of wine. It felt like heaven, finally lowering myself into the tub. After going a week just rinsing in the lake and using baby wipes in the interim, a proper soak seemed like such a treat.

Jemima messaged me the moment I walked in the door, wanting to catch up. She had been leaving me needy messaged while I was out of range all week, and I laughed as I played them all after turning my phone back on. She clearly missed me. I'd managed to put her off tonight, claiming exhaustion. It really wasn't a lie. I was so looking forward to bed. She was coming over tomorrow to catch up, so I had the night to relax and enjoy some peace, quiet and sleep.

Cohen and I had been busy coordinating kids luggage and lifts home after the bus pulled up at school, along with the other adults. By the time the last kid had gone home and the school equipment had been put away, he was nowhere to be seen. I don't know what I expected from him, but it wasn't being totally shunned.

I sipped my wine and lay back, watching the steam rising around me. I guess it was a quick camp fling. Just something to look back on fondly. A rebound encounter that was fun, but short-lived. At least I now knew where we stood.

After the water was cold and wine long gone, I dragged myself out and made for bed. My head hit the pillow and I was out cold.


"So, how was it?"

Jemima had managed to control herself and stay away until after 10am. She turned up on the doorstep with croissants and coffee. God bless her.

"It was actually great. The kids were amazing, we did some pretty cool stuff, and the location was stunning, Jem. Right on the water. Even you would probably have enjoyed it."

She looked at me, doubtful.

"How were the other parents?"

"Pretty cool. Jeff was a little bit of a control freak, but we all got on great."

Jem raised her brows at me.

"And Cohen Thompson? Did you avoid each other like the plague? Or were you at each others throats? I bet he was a right arse!"

I knew this was coming. I tucked my feet under my bum on the couch.

"Not exactly..."

My voice trailed off, non-committally. Of course Jemima picked up on it straight away. My poker face needed some work.

"Audrey Matilda Jeans! Tell me everything, this instant!"

I told her about the kiss against the tree, where it all started. Some vague details about our sneaky tent antics, while she squealed and was literally bouncing on the couch. I didn't go into too much detail though. For some reason, I wanted to keep our moments to myself. Sharing them felt private, even with my best friend. Plus it was over, so it wasn't worth picking apart any further.

Jem wanted to know how it was, and that I was happy to share. She wouldn't leave me alone if I withheld that.

"Stupid good, Jem. I didn't know it could feel like that."

I blushed, embarrassed at my naivety and bedroom inexperience.

"Don't be ashamed, Aud. It's not your fault all you've had are duds. About time you got a stud who knows what to do with your hot bod."

He certainly knew how to make it hum.

I changed the subject, not wanting to dwell further on whatever Cohen and I had had together.

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