Chapter 1: New Home

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"I simply do not understand why we must take in a student," a harsh voice boomed loudly through the wooden door. "We have enough going on here. We do not need another child running around the place." 

Malaya stood on the other side of the door, trying to catch her breath. Her long fingers, with her nails painted black, lingered on the metal doorknob. She breathed in. 

"I've told you, dear," a soft, female voice travelled through the solid door. The tone danced around Malaya's ears, prickling the hairs on her neck, soothing her nerves. "It is to appear as if everything here is normal. If we take in a foreign exchange student, the ministry will be less likely to suspect us. There will be less raids in our Manor." 

"Ministry," the male voice spat out the word as if it were bile in his throat. "They are not long for this new era, Narcissa." 

Malaya leaned her forehead against the cool wood and closed her eyes. It was not difficult to hear them through the door, the space between the frame and door so large that she might even be able to see the man and woman arguing on the other side. 

"Besides, it's too late," Narcissa said matter-of-factly. "She is already on her way, Lucius." Malaya heard footsteps and opened her eyes. "And she is hardly a child. She is 18, older than Draco." 

"And what of the meetings that take place here? Your sister who is living here? The Da-" 

"Enough, Lucius," Narcissa said quickly. "It is one month until school starts. It will be fine." 

Malaya sensed that their conversation was coming to a close. She took her hand off the doorknob, wiped it on her legs, sucked in another breath and knocked twice. 

She waited a moment before the woman ordered her to come in. 

Malaya opened the door slowly, trying to plaster on a small smile. She stepped into the dimly lit room, a fire casting a light glow on the dark furniture. A woman, Narcissa, stood by a black armchair, her hands clasped together in front of her. She smiled at Malaya, her hair, partly blonde and partly brown, was half up, revealing her pleasant and sharp features. 

In the armchair sat a man, his arms on either side, one leg propped up on his knee. He had long, blonde hair, grey, cold eyes, and his sharp jawline showed a shadow of a beard. 

Malaya's eyes locked suddenly with the man's, her heartbeat quickening, a burst of anger toward him not wanting her here, then she looked away. 

"I'm Malaya Hansley," she introduced herself. 

"Of course," Narcissa said warmly, walking over to her and shaking her hand. "I'm Narcissa Malfoy and this is my husband Lucius Malfoy." 

Lucius remained in his chair, observing Malaya intensely. Malaya tried not to stare back, struggling as she found her eyes naturally gravitating toward him. 

She nodded at them both, a strand of light brown, wavy hair falling over her shoulder. "It's really nice to meet you. Thank you for letting me stay here during my studies." 

"We're thrilled to have you here, Miss Hansley," Narcissa said. 

"Please, call me Malaya." 

"Dinner is at 7pm every night," Lucius spoke for the first time since Malaya entered the room. He stood from his chair. "You are expected to be there on time, every time, until you go to school. You are expected to show up presentable as we often have guests. Do you understand, Miss Hansley?" 

He took a step closer, towering over Malaya. His grey eyes peered down at her disapprovingly. Malaya noticed his jaw set as he watched her, then he swallowed, his throat moving. 

"Yes," she breathed out, suddenly intimidated. 

He gave her one last, long look before nodding and walking through the door, leaving Malaya alone with Narcissa. 

"Where are your things, dear?" Narcissa asked.

Malaya stared at where Lucius disappeared, chewing her lip. 

"Dear?" Narcissa repeated. 

"Hm?" Malaya turned to look at Narcissa. "I'm sorry, what was that?" 

"Your things," Narcissa said. 

"Oh, a house-elf took them." 

"Splendid. Would you like to see your room?" 

Her new bedroom ended up being bigger than any room she had ever stayed in before. A large queen sized bed was pushed into one corner of the room, its sheets so white it was blinding. A cream-coloured vanity and stool sat on the same wall, filled with necessities. On the other wall sat a matching dresser and full-length mirror. On the far wall, there were two glass doors that opened into a large balcony overlooking the grounds. 

When it was almost 7pm, Malaya made her way down to the dining room. She struggled to find the room, the Manor like a maze, and arrived a couple of minutes late. 

Everyone was already seated, plates full of food. Heads turned to look at her when she walked in. 

Malaya silently sat down and looked at her plate, afraid to meet anyone's eyes. 

"Was I not clear?" Lucius spoke. "Seven o'clock means seven o'clock." 

"I'm sorry," Malaya muttered. "I got lost." 

"Of course," Narcissa chimed in. "I'm sure the Manor can be confusing. You'll get used to it." She gave Malaya a reassuring smile. "Malaya, I want you to meet our son, Draco." 

Malaya turned to the boy she was seated beside, only just realizing that he was there. He had short blonde hair, was dressed in all black and looked miserable. She smiled at him.

"Draco is going into his seventh year at Hogwarts," Narcissa went on. "Hopefully you two can get to know each other. I'm sure it will help having a friend at school." 

Draco eyed Malaya in a similar way that his father eyed her; disapprovingly. His lips thinned and he nodded ever-so-slightly, then turned to his food and began to eat. 

Malaya tried to eat, but she had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. She did not feel wanted here and she did not think her time at Malfoy Manor would be easy. 

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