There was the loud bustle of people shouting, moving trunks, and then the train horn.

"Alright sweetie." Scott's mother pulled him aside, "Have a good year. Write often. Don't get in too much trouble, and make some friends."

"Tell me what happens in the Quidditch house games." His father said.

They all hugged and the train sounded again.

"I love you!" They shouted as Scott waved goodbye and climbed onto the train.

He took one last look at his parents and then turned around.

His owl, Ember, hooted softly.

Ember was a brown owl that was very quiet.

"Come on Ember, let's find a compartment." Scott said.

Scott walked into a compartment that was home to a boy with brown hair, a boy with red hair, a snowy white owl, and a rat. (Hint hint, may be some people you know).

The boys ceased their conversation to stare at Scott.

"Sorry." Scott apologized and walked towards a different compartment.

Eventually, he found an empty one and sighed as he sat down.

He already missed his home.

Ember seemed to like watching the trees and other things fly by the window.

"Er- can we sit here?"

Scott looked up to see two people.

A boy and girl.

The boy, who had dirty blonde hair, looked incredibly nervous.

The girl on the other hand had pink dyed hair, an owl, and a happy expression.

Scott nodded silently and the two sat down.

"Thanks." The boy said in a barely audible whisper.

"I'm Elizabeth." The girl said, waving and smiling, "But I prefer Lizzie; this my brother, James, but he prefers Jimmy. He's starting his first year but I'm going to my third."

Scott nodded again.

"What's your name?"

"Scott." Scott said and his owl hooted, "And this is Ember."

"Aww. Our owl's name is Matt, we share him."

They sat down and started talking.


"Both of our parents are magical. Mom's a witch and dad's a wizard. Our parents are in Ravenclaw and Slytherin and I'm in Slytherin."

"I don't know much about the wizarding world." Scott said, "Well, that's not true. My mom's a witch and my dad's a muggle. My mom kind of rushed telling me everything last week."

Just then the lamps turned on.

"Better change." Lizzie looked at the lamps.

Scott walked out in his robes and grabbed his wand.

He looked at it.

"First time holding a wand?" Jimmy asked.

Scott looked up and blushed from embarrassment. He was caught off guard.

Lizzie then walked out.

"You excited Jim? Ready to be in Slytherin with me?" She asked, smiling.

Jimmy looked sick.

"I'm not sure. I want to be in Gryffindor." Jimmy said.

Lizzie made a gagging noise, "Gryffindor is full of all the idiots. I would prefer if you were in Slytherin, at least Ravenclaw. But please not Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. I know an idiot who's in Hufflepuff. Always thinks about himself."

"Is that Joel? The guy who kept sending you owls?" Jimmy asked in a mocking tone.

Lizzie sighed, a bit red around her cheeks, "I don't know how his owls even found me. I've basically never spoken to him."

"Well, his letters certainly hinted at the fact that you two've spoken before."

Lizzie gasped, "Have you been- "

"Maybe, maybe not." Jimmy smiled.

"You're definitely a Slytherin." Lizzie laughed.

So... what do ya think? Good? Should I go on? Bad? Should I stop? To be honest, I don't really know where I am going with it I just had this idea and was like, yeah, that'd be fun to do. But thanks for reading! Sorry if it cringe. And uh- have a good day!

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