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Jimmy's Perspective

Jimmy lined up with the other first years and made eye contact with Lizzie who smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

He watched as the names were called up.


"James Shadow-Darity!" Professor McGonagall called up Jimmy.

Jimmy stumbled up as he sat down.

She placed the hat delicately on his head and Jimmy's palms started to sweat.

He saw that Lizzie's hands were getting ready to clap and welcome him over to Slytherin.

But it seemed the Sorting Hat had other plans.

"You want to make her proud, don't you?"

Jimmy gasped; the hat was talking to him.

"You don't belong in Slytherin. You aren't as smart as Ravenclaw. Not as brave as Gryffindor. Seems like you might be in-


The hat bellowed.

Jimmy got up, shaking.

The Hufflepuff table erupted in cheers and Jimmy caught his sisters horrified face.

Oh god, oh shit.

Jimmy sat down next to Joel who was the boy that was messaging Lizzie all summer.

Jimmy smiled at him and watched as Scott was called up.

"Scott Smajor." Professor McGonagall called up.

Scott sat down, he looked very nervous.

Jimmy smiled and waved at him and Scott blushed and smiled back.

Jimmy then wondered what he would tell his parents.

About him being in Hufflepuff.

His sister's face was like a rock in his stomach.


Jimmy jumped.

He forgot about the sorting.

Scott smiled as he sat at the neighboring table.

Jimmy turned around and watched as Scott sat right behind him.

"That scared me." Scott whispered, "I'm still shaking."

Joel then tapped Jimmy on the shoulder and motioned him to silence.


Jimmy walked up to the Hufflepuff common room.

He didn't walk up with the other first years since he had to use the restroom.

"Password?" The painting asked. It was home of Helga Hufflepuff, the founder of the Hufflepuff house.

"Er- "

Jimmy looked around for a Prefect or the Head Boy or Girl, but no one.

He sighed and sat down in front of the painting, waiting for someone he knew.

"Hey Jimmy!"

Jimmy looked up and saw Scott waving at him.

"I was just heading up to the Ravenclaw common room, er- what're you doing?"

Jimmy flushed red, "I was just- I don't know the password."

He gestured to the empty painting as Helga had just abandoned her spot.

"Weird how they move, huh?" Scott said, looking amazed.

I forgot he came from a muggle home.

"You're a... half-blood, right? Mom's a witch and your dad's a muggle?"

Scott nodded.

"I'm not used to any of this. My world was just flipped upside down. Everything's different here." Scott said, looking around.

The hallways were empty and their voices echoed off of the walls.

They looked at each other and they both blushed.

"Scott? You're in my house, correct?"

Scott looked up and saw the Ravenclaw prefect walking over to them.

The boy had a black mask on, white hair, and a prefect badge. He looked scary but his expression was kind and calm.

"Uh- why are you sitting out here?" He asked, looking at Jimmy, concerned.

"I don't know the password."

The boy sighed and said, "I can get Scar, he's in your house, really nice, he's in the library. I can grab him, come on Scott."

Scott nodded and followed the prefect, leaving Jimmy.

Jimmy sighed as he laid his head on his knees.

"I hate this." He mumbled to himself.


There were footsteps running down the steps.

Jimmy looked up and saw the Ravenclaw prefect and another boy who looked to be in his fourth year running down.

"Scar, you're supposed to be in the common room! You're in your fourth year you know this! You are not to be in the library flirting with your boyfriend!" the Ravenclaw prefect scolded.

"Jesus, Etho, sorry." 'Scar' said, "Give me a break. And besides, you would want to do the same with your boyfriend."

'Etho' blushed and shook his head.

"I'm still surprised you got prefect, I mean, you are caring and like to follow the rules, but still." Scar fake gagged and Etho rolled his eyes.

"You're lucky the points haven't started yet or you'd be sorry." Etho said, though it looked liked he was smirking.

"Now help out the first year, I need to get back to the common room."

Scar waved goodbye to his friend and turned to face Jimmy.

"Sorry about that..."

"Jimmy." Jimmy said, "Lizzie's brother."

Scar looked upset when he heard Lizzie's name, "Elizabeth? The prankster and Snape's favorite?"

"Er- yeah...?" Jimmy smiled sheepishly.

Scar then laughed, "That's a shame, Snape was really looking forward to having you in his class, but now that you're not in Slytherin..." Scar's face dropped, "We're going to get a late start in the points, but that's okay! Welcome to the Hufflepuff gang my friend!"

Scar then turned to the portrait, "Fairy lights."

The portrait swung open.

Scar led Jimmy to the dorms.

"No pets?" Scar asked and Jimmy shook his head, setting up on the bunk which was also home to Scar.

"Well, you're not allergic to cats, are you?" Scar asked and again, Jimmy shook his head.

"Good. I think you'll like Jellie." Scar pulled out a cat who looked very curious and happy to be back at a familiar place.

"Been with me since the beginning."

Jellie warmed up to Jimmy nicely.

Jimmy petted Jellie and she started to purr.

"So why were you in the library?" Jimmy asked, trying to make small talk.

"Oh, uh- you know, I'm feeling awfully tired!" Scar laughed nervously.

"No, really. Why were you?" Jimmy asked.

Scar looked down and whispered, "Because of him."

"Who's him?"

Scar then yawned and stretched, and Jimmy let him act asleep.

It seemed like he wouldn't be the only gay person in the dorm that night.

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