Tea Leaves

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Scott's Perspective

"Get up."

Scott groaned as he was shaken awake by Tom.

"Come on, we have to grab our schedules."

Scott grumbled and changed into his robes before walking down to breakfast with Tom.

"Hello Scott. Tom. Good summer?" Etho asked, handing them their schedules.

"Yep. You?"

"Fine, thanks. I mostly just hung out with Bdubs." Etho then walked off to some first years who looked nervously at their schedules.

"Divination first." Tom said, "Great. I heard Professor Trelawney sucks."

"She's not that bad."

Scott and Tom looked up to see a prefect.
She had lavender hair that was put up into a bun.

"Sometimes people can see in the crystal balls, sometimes they can't. Most people can't. And if that's you, then just make up predictions. Best if they're really sad. Like you're going to get trampled by a hippogriff."

"Emma!" Etho hissed, "That's not how you're supposed to take that class- "

"Oh, shut up." Emma said, "You didn't take that class. You took Ancient Runes."

"So is Professor Trelawney nice?" Scott asked.

"As long as you're not the person she guesses dies than yeah." The girl said.

"What?" Tom and Scott said at the same time. M
The girl nodded, "Every class she teaches she predicts someone's going to die. No one ever has, it's just her way of being annoying. Also, if you're allergic to any strong incense then change classes."

Tom and Scott exchanged worried looks.

"You'll do fine." Etho said, patting Scott on the back.


All the third year Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs shuffled into Professor Trelawney's classroom.

Tom and Scott sat down near the back.

Jimmy smiled and waved as he sat down next to Kelly at the table in front of them.

"Welcome children." Trelawney walked through the fire, causing people to gasp.

She smiled and dusted some ash off of her shawl.

"How long as she been in there?" Tom whispered to Scott causing Scott to snicker.

"Dear, you would not like to snicker. As you will not be snickering with a broken heart that will soon come to you." She said to Scott.

Everyone turned to look at him and Scott shut up.

A broken heart?

"This class is very difficult." She continued her speech, "It requires you to open up your inner eye. Only some people can."

"Beware the man with cyan hair. He will greatly hurt you." She said to Kelly who gave Scott a worried look.


Scott watched in fear as Professor Trelawney kept telling people's futures.

She then told everyone to grab a cup and drink tea.

"Drink until only the tea leaves are left." She instructed.

Tom and Scott drank their tea and got out their books.

"Ugh." Scott said, disgusted, "This stuff tastes terrible."

"It's not the taste that matters." Professor Trelawney said, peeking over Scott's shoulder to look at his tea leaves, "It's the picture."

She looked at his cup and narrowed her eyes.

"Oh dear, this is not a happy cup." She said, turning it around in her hands.

"Why? What's in it?" Scott tried to peek at it but Professor Trelawney didn't lower it.

This was now catching the attention of everyone else.

They quieted down to try and hear Professor Trelawney's mutterings.

Scott looked at Tom and he shrugged.

Professor Trelawney then gasped and wiped her eye.

"What?" Scott asked.

"You have heart break on your path. Deep heart break. It may affect you for the rest of your life." She said, patting Scott's back, "Be careful, my dear, maybe there is a way to avoid this path."

She then walked away to help two girls who were talking about their leaves.

Scott looked at Tom who grabbed his mug.

"I don't think..." He looked at his book and then back at the tea leaves, his eyes widening, "I think she's right."

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