First Match of The Season

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Jimmy's Perspective-

As the weeks continued to fly by, so did Divination class.

Jimmy ended up resorting to guessing sad predictions while Kelly actually tried.

She wasn't great at it though. Jimmy's been trying to convince her to join him in guessing.

Scott, meanwhile, has been one of the only kids who could see something in the crystal balls.

He didn't really enjoy it, especially when Professor Trelawney kept telling everyone how good he was, but he could see into the crystal ball.

Soon, it was late October and the first Quidditch match approached.

"You ready?" Joel had asked Jimmy at breakfast.

"No." Jimmy said.

"He hasn't eaten anything." Kelly explained.

"Jim! You're our Seeker, you need to eat something."

"I'm not hungry! Besides, what if I go out there and throw up?"

"You won't, trust me. But if you do, know I will laugh for hours." Joel said and Jimmy rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna get out on the field." He said, standing up.

"Not on an empty stomach you're not. Just eat one thing, and then you can go." Kelly pleaded.

Jimmy sighed and grabbed a waffle before heading out.


Jimmy stepped onto the field and mounted his broom.

Everyone was at breakfast so no one else was out.

He kicked off of the ground and woke up with the wind rushing past his face.

He did a couple of loops in the air and then heard Scar shouting,

"Jimmy! Come down, we need to get ready!"

Jimmy flew down and walked into the locker room.

"You ready?" Scar asked him.

Jimmy nodded and then shrugged.

"You'll do great." Scar said before clapping his hands to get the teams attention.

"Alright gang. Our first match of the season." Scar said, "We're going against Ravenclaw so it should be an easy match."

Jimmy started to change into his shiny yellow robes, trying to get rid of his nerves.

"We've been practicing for weeks. We know how they play, but they don't know how we play. Just keep your head straight, and don't worry. This is just another practice." Scar said before changing into his robes.

They soon walked out onto the field and Jimmy looked around.

The people in the crowds were cheering and waving yellow and blue flags.

"Captains, shake hands."

Scar walked up and shook hands with Mumbo, the captain and one of the chasers on the Ravenclaw Team.

"Mount your brooms."

Jimmy mounted his broom, his hands shaking.

Madam Hooch blew her whistle and they all kicked off of the ground.

The crowd cheered even louder, and Jimmy started to loop over the match.

"And they're off! First match of the season, let's see who'll win."

Jimmy, confused at the familiar voice, looked over to his left.

He was shocked to see his sister commentating the match.

They made eye contact and she winked at him.

Jimmy smiled back and kept his eyes on the match.

"Hufflepuffs had to recruit new people for their team since most of them graduated, I wonder if they'll be up to scratch with the Ravenclaw team, who won last year's cup."

Jimmy scoffed in his head.

This year it'll be ours.


"Oh! Good bludger from the Hufflepuff's beater, Jay. Mumbo drops the quaffle for Sam to pick up."

Jimmy watched as Sam dashed to the Ravenclaw's hoops.

"Sam shoots- Sara misses- it's ten points to Hufflepuff!"

The Ravenclaws groaned as the Hufflepuffs cheered.

Jimmy looked at the scoreboard.

Ravenclaw's got 30 points, we got 50, I just have to find the Golden Snitch.

Just then, a flash of gold caught Jimmy's eyes.

He turned and saw the Golden Snitch, fluttering at the Ravenclaw end.

He dived, the Ravenclaw Seeker, Trek, saw Jimmy and dived as well.

They were neck and neck.

Jimmy reached his hand out, Trek doing the same motion.

At the last second, Trek hit Jimmy's hand, but it was too late.

Jimmy had got the snitch.

Jimmy flew up, his hand in the air, showing people the fluttering snitch in his hand.

The Hufflepuffs started cheering and clapping as Jimmy flew down.

He got tackled by his team.

"Great job, Jim!" Joel said, "Knew you had it in you!"

"Incredible work!" Scar shouted, patting his back.

The rest of the team ran up to hug him.

Kelly broke through and hugged Jimmy, kissing him on the cheek.

Jimmy smiled.

He'd never felt happier.

His relationship was perfect, and he had just helped his team win their first Quidditch match.

Seemed as though everyone was happy.

But that wasn't the case.

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