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Scott's Perspective-

Time Skip End of The Year-

Scott made sure he had everything packed in his trunk and then nodded.

He grabbed his trunk and his owl, Ember, as he walked downstairs towards the train.

He smiled at the steaming red train as he waited for his friends.

Not a minute later, he saw Kelly, a girl who always wore a blue bow in her hair, walking with Jay, a ginger whose favorite class was Care for Magical Creatures, and Jimmy, Scott's stupidly kind boyfriend.

They boarded the train together.

"Come on, Tom left the Common Room before I did so he should be saving us a compartment." Scott said.

They found Tom in a compartment by himself, and they got settled in for the long train ride.


Scott stepped off of the train and looked around for his parents.

His other friends all dispersed to their families.

Scott spotted his parents and walked up to them.

After chatting with them, his mother was crying once again, Scott left to go and try to find his friends to say goodbye.

Scott spotted Jimmy, who was talking with Kelly and Jay, and he ran up and tackled him.

Jimmy yelped at the surprise attack but laughed and hugged back.

"Hey Scott." Jimmy planted a kiss on Scott's forehead.

Kelly giggled, "Me and Jay'll go find Tom."

Scott nodded, "I think he walked out to the left when we exited the train."

Kelly walked into the crowd with Jay and Scott caught Jay fake gagging before walking away.

Scott chuckled and broke apart from the hug.

"Are you ready for summer?" He asked Jimmy.

"Eh, not really." Jimmy mumbled, looking back at the train, "I'm gonna miss Hogwarts."

"It's only a couple of months." Scott said, patting Jimmy's back.

Jimmy sighed and turned to his boyfriend.

He put his hand in his hair, "Yeah but I'll...I'll miss you."

Scott put his hand on Jimmy's and smiled.

Their eyes fluttered closed as they leaned into a kiss, both wanting this moment to last forever.

Scott was aware of people seeing them and probably being disgusted, but he didn't care.

That didn't matter.

They broke apart and Scott hugged his boyfriend once more.

"James! We gotta go!" Lizzie called through the crowd.

Jimmy looked in the direction to which Lizzie's voice came from and nodded.

"I'm sorry Scott."

Scott smiled softly, "I'll send you letters."

They kissed once more before parting ways.

Awaiting the next couple of months at which they could see each other again.

I love you.


Tell me I'm not the only one who shed tears when reading that ending. Oh my cod, this story is one of my favorites. Starting at the Quidditch chapters to all the angst, it all comes together and is great! I gotta say my favorite character is Jay (who is actually based off of one of my good friends, Eleanor!) I'm really happy at the way Jay turned out.

Let me know who your favorite character and what your favorite part is! I gotta say my favorite parts are the Quidditch chapters (writing them are so much fun, you have to try it out) and any line that Jay said. I feel like, though he may not be a main character, I think his dialogue and personality is a lot of fun. I also loved the scene where Jimmy and Scott are flirting with the flower crown at Hogsmeade. That one made me want to cry too.

If you enjoyed this story, I recommend checking out my Gumbo fanfic, We'll Meet Again Some Sunny Day, or my new Flower Husbands fanfic, I Was Going Somewhere. Somewhere To Find You

With that, farewell, and I hope to see you in my other stories.

Much platonic love,
Seth <3

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