Winning & Losing

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Scott's Perspective

'Hey mom, hey dad.
The trip to Hogsmeade was fun. I hung out with Tom.'

Scott paused his quill.

"Are you gonna tell them about Jimmy?" Tom asked, not looking up from his book.

"How'd you know I was writing a letter?"

"Because you were muttering what you were writing." Tom made eye contact and smirked.

Scott rolled his eyes and shook his head before returning to his letter.

"I'm not sure."

"You should. Maybe they'll know what to do."

"I don't think they will. Mom'll just be fussing about what to do and if I'm okay and dad will try to give me advice but it's normally really bad."

Tom shrugged, "You need to talk to someone about it."

"I talk to you!"

"I mean an adult, idiot." Tom flicked Scott's forehead playfully.

"I talked to Etho."

"Fine. Then do that." Tom said before yawning, "Now I'm going to bed. You should too."

"As soon as I finish this letter."

Tom shrugged as he trudged off into the boy's dorm.

Scott dipped his quill in his ink before writing more.

'Dad, you wanted to know about the Quidditch matches. The first one was today (well
probably yesterday by the time you get this). Hufflepuff against Ravenclaw. My friend Jimmy,'

Scott's heart ached as he wrote those three words.

'is Hufflepuff Seeker. He won for their team. It looked like he had fun. He seemed very happy to win.'

The image of Kelly kissing Jimmy flashed in Scott's mind and he shook his head, trying to rid himself of the terrible thoughts.

'The Ravenclaws put up a good fight, but the Hufflepuff is too good.
I think that's all that's really happened in the past week.
I love you both!

Scott reread his letter before nodding.

That's good.

He decided to send it in the morning before classes started.

He capped his ink bottle and put away his things.

He put his letter in an envelope and went to bed.

The Next Day-

Scott woke up early and decided to deliver his letter.

It just felt good to get up and move around.

He found his letter and walked up to the Owlery.

He saw Kelly in there, sending off a letter with a school owl.

"Oh, hey Scott!" She smiled cheerfully.

Scott smiled, if possible, even more cheerfully back, trying to hide the pain that he felt when seeing her.

"Who are you sending a letter too?" He asked.

"My mom. It's her birthday."

Scott nodded.

"How about you?" She asked.

"My parents. My dad wants to know about the Quidditch matches."

"Yeah. Jimmy really pulled through."

Scott's smile flickered but he quickly pulled it back so Kelly didn't notice.

"Hufflepuff's team is really good." Scott said.

"You should try out for yours."

Scott shook his head, "I'm not much of a flyer."

They started to walk and talk towards breakfast.

"Joel wanted me to try out but I'm not great at flying either." Kelly laughed softly.

"I hope Hufflepuffs win the cup this year. I would like to see you guys beat Slytherin's, they're a tough one. Almost brought Ravenclaws out of the running last year."

"Yeah, I remember. Lilith is a strong one with the bludgers." Kelly said.

"Definitely. Jim will have a fun time with her." Scott laughed a bit.

Kelly giggled and sat down next to her boyfriend.

"Hey Scott. Did you see yesterday's match?" Jimmy asked.

"Course. First one of the season."

"Too bad Ravenclaw lost. They were really good last year." Jimmy shrugged.

Scott nodded, "Our star player graduated so we lost our best Seeker. Trek is okay though. He's learning."

Scott sat down next to Tom who gave him a confused look.

Joel then came and sucked Jimmy up into a conversation, so Scott turned to his table and grabbed some food.

"So...are you talking with Jimmy now?" Tom asked.

"I just got into a conversation with Kelly."

"I thought you were hurt by her."

"I am. But that doesn't mean I should be rude to her."

"But Jimmy broke your heart."

Scott sighed, "Look...can we move on? Let's talk about something else. What's today?"


"Herbology. That shouldn't be so bad."


As the months continued to go by, so did Scott's feelings for Jimmy.

They never seemed to go away, just as Etho said.

And soon, it was Christmas.

Scott had gone back home for it so he could try and forget about all of the problems with Jimmy.

Jimmy, meanwhile, had stayed at Hogwarts so he could celebrate Christmas with his girlfriend.

But he also wanted to stay there to practice for the next Quidditch match which would be against Slytherin.

Soon, Scott had gone back to Hogwarts along with everyone else who left.

"Hey Scott!" Tom had welcomed Scott, "Thanks for the book! I really enjoy it."

"Did you finish it already?"

"No, I've been trying to save it for once I get back here."

"That must've been hard."

"Tell me about it."

Scott laughed as they walked up to their portrait hole.

"Hey Bdubs." Scott said to the Gryffindor student who was waiting outside of the Ravenclaw portrait, "What are you doing here?"

"Er..." Bdubs blushed, "Well I forgot to send Etho his Christmas present so I'm waiting here to give it to him."

Tom and Scott smiled.

"That's sweet."


Tom then turned to the portrait and said the password before he and Scott entered.

Scott collapsed at one of the seats near the fire.
It was nice to be back at school.

But he started to wonder if he would've preferred staying home as now he has to walk past Kelly and Jimmy's happy relationship each day.

Well, at least he assumed it was a healthy relationship at which they were both happy.

This though, was not the case.

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