Just Friends

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Kelly's Perspective-

"What happened?" Venus exclaimed as I dashed into the girl's dorm.

"J-Jimmy broke up w-with me." I sobbed.


"H-he just w-wants to be f-friends."

Venus shook her head, "He's probably just upset about losing the Quidditch match. I'm gonna go talk to him."

She got up and left, leaving me alone, crying on my pillow.

After a couple of minutes, Venus walked back in and shook me.

"Come on. He wants to talk to you."

I took a shaky breath and sat up.

"That's it." She smiled sincerely, "Now if he hurts you in any way tell me and I'll punch him."

I giggled and walked out into the Common Room.

Jimmy was rocking on his heels near the corner.

I blushed when I saw him doing that, but I shook my head.

"Hey Kelly." He said awkwardly.

I folded my arms.

"Is it true?" I demanded, my voice cracking a bit.

Jimmy looked to the ground, "Look, Kelly. I didn't want you to find out like that."

"What do you mean?"

"I've been wanting to tell you for weeks that I would rather be friends since I like someone else."


Jimmy bit his lip and sighed.

"Fine." I said shakily, "Don't tell me."

I turned on my heel, but Jimmy stopped me.

"Kelly, before you go, I just wanted to ask. Can we still be friends?"

Tears started to form in my eyes as I took a shaky breath,

"I don't think we can."

I ran back to my room, leaving Jimmy in the corner, looking a bit hurt.

Jimmy's Perspective-

Jimmy watched as Kelly ran off.

He sighed, looking to the ground.

"Hey Jim." Scar patted his back, "I'm proud of you."

"Why?" Jimmy asked, his voice shaking a bit.

"You would feel worse the longer you wait to get it over with."

"But now I have no friends."

"You have friends!"

"I don't have friends in my year and my house."

Scar bit his lip and then said, "You'll figure it out.


Jimmy walked down to breakfast the next day and ate by himself.

He started to feel sick as he noticed Kelly didn't come down to eat.

"Hey, is anyone sitting here?"

Jimmy looked up and saw Jay, one of the beaters on his team.

"Sure." Jimmy moved over a bit.

They sat in silence until Jimmy said,
"Er- sorry about last match."

"It's okay! It happens." Jay said, "You seemed really out of it anyway."

Jimmy shrugged, "Yeah... I'm dealing with a lot."

"Do you...wanna talk about it?"

Jimmy hesitated, as he didn't know if he could trust him.

"It's fine. But I can help if you need it." Jay said.

Jimmy smiled weakly.

Maybe things were looking up.


The Hufflepuffs and Slytherins walked out for Care of Magical Creatures.

Jay seemed really excited.

"Cod, I'm excited to see what animal Hagrid has for us today." He said, smiling.

"You know, when I think about it, you're like, the only one who likes this class." Jimmy said.

"Who isn't? It's exciting!"

"Yeah but- "

"Think about it! I could be riding and taking care of dragons when I graduate!" Jay smiled, a wild gleam in his eyes.

Jimmy was a bit nervous as he nodded slowly.

Hagrid then walked out from the forest and Jay was basically bouncing with excitement as he saw two Hippogriffs in tow.


"I got to ride it, I got to ride it, I got to ride it,"
Jay kept saying the same thing over and over again, sounding breathless as Jimmy worked on Divination homework.

"Yeah, cool." Jimmy nodded, dipping his quill in the ink before continuing to write.


"Uh-huh. Good job." Jimmy said, smiling as Jay rolled his eyes.

"You don't get it."

"I really don't care." Jimmy gave him a smile before looking down at his paper.

"How's Divination?" Jay asked, peeking over Jimmy's shoulder.

"I couldn't imagine working on homework right now- "

"Oh, shut it. You don't have anything better to do then sit here and watch me write anyway."

"I mean, I could go out on the Quidditch field and practice." Jay said, looking out the window.

"Don't you dare leave me here to do homework." Jimmy said and Jay laughed.

"Then finish up!" Jay flicked Jimmy in the forehead and got up.

After a while, Jay sighed and got up.

"I'm gonna head down to get some lunch."

"Kay, bye." Jimmy said, not looking up.

"Head down soon! You're gonna be lonely in
here!" Jay called as he left.

Jimmy smiled as he shook his head.

He continued writing and his stomach started to grumble.

I really should go get food.

Jimmy bit his lip and looked at his progress.

I'll just finish this sentence up.

At that very moment, the portrait opened up.

"I'm coming Jay, you don't need to check up on me."

Jimmy was surprised to see Kelly.

"Oh...er..." Jimmy cleared his throat, "H-hey Kelly."

She nodded towards him, looking sad, and walked over to him.

"J-just left my textbook here." She laughed nervously and grabbed a textbook from the table.

"Well...er- see you- "

"Yeah, bye."

She practically ran out and Jimmy heard a sob as she ran downstairs.

Jimmy sighed as he closed his book and capped the ink.

As he walked down to lunch, he started to feel terrible.

All the joy was taken away from him.

Hogwarts: A Flower Husbands FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora