Patching Things Up

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Scott's Perspective-

"I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, I hate this,"

Scott continued mumbling those three words as he paced around in the Common Room.

"Scott? You know it's hard to enjoy a nice book when someone's mumbling the same thing over and over." Tom said, looking up from his book.

"Well, I'm sorry but I'm panicking over here!"

"About what?"

"Jimmy! He's been acting so weird! He broke my heart but then he buys me flowers and we flirt and we almost kissed, and oh he looked so stinking cute in that crown."

Scott said, smiling out the window before shaking his head again, "No. But it's weird. I thought he was going to get the crown for Kelly, but he didn't."

"I don't understand." Scott groaned, collapsing into the seat next to Tom.

"Have you been worrying about this for the whole day?"

"Yes! How can you not?!"

Tom shook his head and got up.

"Come on, let's stop by the library."


"Because I need to get a new book and you need to get out of this Common Room for a bit."

Tom and Scott walked out of the Common Room and almost ran straight into Jay and Jimmy.

Tom gasped in surprise.

"What are you guys doing here?!"

"We're here to talk to Scott." Jay said simply.

Jimmy shot him a look, but Jay acted like he didn't notice it.

"Er- what?" Scott asked, blushing a bit.

"Let's walk and talk, shall we? I need to go to the library anyway." Tom said, holding up his book.

"I'll go with you." Jay said.

Tom and Jay disappeared, leaving Scott and Jimmy standing awkwardly.

"So- uh- what'd you need?" Scott asked awkwardly, "Did you want the flower crown? Are you gonna give it to Kelly or something?"

"What? No. Why would I give it to Kelly?"

Scott blinked a couple of times, "B-because she's your girlfriend, that's why."

"We broke up."

"Wait, WHAT?!"

"Yeah, this was back in like...January."

"How have I never heard this?!"

Jimmy shrugged, "Not my fault you stay out of the social circle."

"It kind of is. Especially since- "

Scott cut himself off before he said that he like him.

"Especially since..." Jimmy edged Scott on to continue.

"Uh..." Scott blushed and looked down at the ground as he scratched his head awkwardly, "Uh...I was worried about you...I thought it was that match against Slytherin that shook you up."

"Oh...yeah, it's been tough. I kind of- "
Jimmy cut himself off and flushed red.

"You kind of..."

"Er..." Jimmy coughed awkwardly as he rocked back and forth on his feet (btw I love that little awkward movement it's so cute!)

"I er... I kind wanted to be friends with her instead and she overheard a conversation I was having with someone about it and we broke apart in a bad way..."

Scott nodded and though he wanted to know more, he decided it best for them to finish the conversation.

"Well...I'll see you then." Jimmy said, smiling.

"Uh- yeah! See you! And good luck on the final match tomorrow!"


I'll be cheering for you!

The words didn't seem to escape Scott's lips as he watched Jimmy run up to the library.

Scott walked back into the portrait hole and walked into the boy's dorm.

He laid in his bed and took a couple of deep breaths.

I cannot believe I just did that.

ALRIGHT BEFORE YOU GET MAD AT ME, I KNOW THIS CHAPTER IS SHORT BUT PLEASE BE PATIENT!!! Bc I'm posting the next chapter in a little bit!!! So just WAIT! And YES, it WILL be a Quidditch chapter!! (the final one but YEY!) Quidditch chapters are SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE! This one was definitely my favorite. I hope you enjoy and just WAIT! It'll be out soon.

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