"The treatment to get rid of the brainwashing that the pactmaster did to you," Kouki states.

Isis then says, "I was busy taking care of the King and had not gotten to her yet. I was just on my way to cure her when Divine Mountain was attacked. I assure you that if I do it that it will work though. The King is basically all better as of right now."

At this point Liliana asks, "Where is my father? If we are going to leave the Capital we need to get him to safety too, as well as my whole family."

"Don't worry. Your father as well as your mother and siblings are all safe. Captain Meld has already taken them to safety. I asked him to do that as soon as I realized what the pactmaster had been planning all this time," Ishtar states.

"That is a relief. At least they are alright then," Liliana says. She then says, "Hajime, Zane has been betraying you all. He is the one that has been helping the demons all this time."

Shea says, "That makes no sense. You said it yourself that you remember meeting him at the castle."

"That is true. I do remember that. However, he must have joined up with the demons after he left. I think he has been keeping it a secret all this time and has been pretending to be a saint while plotting the downfall of the Kingdom," Liliana states.

Isis says, "That is undoubtedly what occurred. There are monsters that can create illusions of people. The pactmaster must have used such a monster to make an illusion of himself that only you could see Princess."

The Pope then states, "That agrees with the reports that I received about a strange looking monster being found in the castle soon after the Hero arrived."

At this point, a loud explosion is heard off in the distance. This gets the attention of everyone that is in the area. They all look in the direction that they heard the noise from. None of them are entirely sure what they just heard.

All of a sudden a second explosion is heard. This time as they are looking in that direction, the people in the arena all see the large explosion that occurred in the air a short distance away. Soon after this an object comes flying out of the sky. It hits the ground in between the barrier and Hajime.

Several seconds pass and then a person gets out of the rubble. It is the apostle that Zane was fighting. She managed to shield her heart using her greatswords and one remaining wing from the blast of the void fissure. However, both of her swords were destroyed in the explosion. Her left wing is also badly broken.

Seeing the apostle Hajime comments, "Oh great another one."

Isis shouts, "Lady Twent, what happened to you?"

"Master sent me to eliminate an undesirable piece. It has put up more of a fight than I was expecting. I need to find a place to heal before challenging the monster once again," the apostle replies.

"You aren't going anywhere," Hajime says as he raises his gun towards the apostle. He then says, "You see you are my ticket home, so I cannot let you leave."

At this point a bat flies by Hajime's face. This distracts him for a second. The apostle says, "Oh no."

At this point Zane teleports right behind the apostle. Before it has the chance to move Zane swings his sword at the head of the apostle and cuts it off. The head of the apostle lands with a soft thump on the ground next to the body. The body of the apostle also hits the ground.

Zane quickly uses Ignis to cut a vertical line along the front of the apostle's body. He then quickly kneels down and thrusts his hand into the apostle. When Zane does this, several of the students that are within the barrier make gagging sounds at the sight of someone doing this.

The Forgotten (Arifureta x original character)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें