Chapter 56: Night of Questions

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Following Hajime's departure from Ur, Zane decides to go back and talk to the mayor of Ur. His plan is to see if there is anything that he can do in order to help around the town. He also needs to stop by the Adventurer's Guild to report the completion of the quest to help Hajime locate the missing adventurers.

As Zane makes his way to the city hall building to go and talk to the mayor, he finds that his classmates are already in there. Mrs. Hatayama is currently talking to the mayor. Zane overhears her say, "Are you really sure that it is a good idea to bring everyone back so quickly?"

"This town is their home. I assure you that they all want to come back. Since the threat has been eliminated I see no reason for us to not allow everyone to return to their homes as soon as possible," the mayor replies.

Mrs. Hatayama says, "I understand that. However, I still think that we should wait for a little while before bringing everyone back."

"I can understand your concern. If you think it is best for us to let them stay where they are, then we can do that for now. However, I don't think that the nearby towns can support that many extra people for very long. Also the templar knights that are supposed to be guarding you are with them, meaning you are stuck here until the people get back. It would be rude of me to delay you here in Ur for very long," the mayor states.

Atsushi comments, "We could always just move on without them. We are more than capable of protecting Mrs. Hatayama ourselves."

"No, that won't do," Mrs. Hatayama says. She then says to herself, "I suppose that Nagumo did deal with all the monsters though. Also even though I don't think it was the right choice, he also killed Shimizu, who was behind it all. The town may actually be safe."

At this point Noburo Aikawa says, "Mrs. Hatayama, I suggest that we go and tell the villages about what is going on at least. We should really let them make the choice on what to do. If they want to come back then they should be given the chance."

Hearing this suggestion, Zane comments, "I can go and do that if you would like."

This draws everyone's attention towards Zane. Almost right after Zane has said this Mrs. Hatayama says, "No, I could not possibly ask you to do that."

Zane replies, "I was meaning that I could do it as a request put through the Adventurer's Guild."

The mayor says, "Actually, I would prefer you to stay here in Ur for a little while if you could. I am sure that knowing that the Bringer of Miracles is in town will bring some much needed relief to those that chose to stay behind now that The Goddess's Sword has left."

"I guess that I can do that. Since the people who are here know that Nagumo has left, they may be a little on edge," Zane replies.

"Precisely. However, you are well known in Ur for everything that you have done. While you may not be as skilled in combat as The Goddess's Sword, you being here will still provide comfort to the people," the mayor says.

At this point Atsushi comments, "So we need someone to go and tell the townspeople about the fight, but Zane cannot be the one to do it. If that is the case, why don't I go and do it?"

"It would be too dangerous to send you alone," Mrs. Hatayama states.

"Then I can take Noboru and Akito with me," Atsushi replies.

At this point Akito states, "Yeah, the three of us should be able to handle it no problem. Just tell us where we need to go."

"I still don't like the idea of sending you off on your own," Mrs. Hatayama says.

"But you were fine with letting Zane go on his own. I mean he is one of your students too, yet you didn't seem at all worried about him," Atsushi says. He then adds, "I guess you just don't believe that we can handle this."

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