Chapter 89: Web of Lies

Start from the beginning

Liliana says, "I saw Ms. Aiko be abducted by a nun from the Church. When I saw it I thought that I needed to go and tell someone. However, everyone around the castle has been acting so weird as of late. I decided to go and get outside help. While doing that I found Hajime and the others. They agreed to come and help."

Isis declares, "Oh Princess, you really were foolish. If you had simply asked what was going on we could have told you."

Yuka says, "Are you saying that Ms. Aiko was really abducted by a member of the Church?"

"Of course not. However, to someone that saw it happen, I am sure that is what it looked like. You see, your teacher has been infected by the same monster that I warned you likely would infest your two friends there," Isis states.

"You mean the brainwashing one?" Kouki asks.

"The very same. I asked a nun to bring her to Divine Mountain so I could treat her. However, by that point the monster already had a hold on her and she resisted, which is why the nun had to knock her out to bring her in for treatment," Isis replies.

Isis then comments, "Guards you need to bind those two girls before they wake up. The process to remove the parastie is not an easy one, and I won't be able to do it if they are fighting me on it."

Two knights quickly rush up to where Kouki and Ryutarou are at. They take the two girls from them and bind their hands. The knights then take the girls from Kouki and Ryutarou so that the two members of the Hero's Party will not be burdened by them any further.

As this is happening Kouki says, "You won't hurt them right."

"Of course not. If you are worried though you can watch the entire procedure unfold. Then you can make sure that I am not hurting them," Isis states.

Taeko then says, "I am sorry, but I still don't fully understand all of this. You made up that lie about how Zane kidnapped Kaori and Shizuku even though Suzu and I saw Hajime come and ask them to find Zane. Then you told us that Zane would likely brainwash the two of them. And now you are saying he did the same thing to Ms. Aiko."

Pope Ishtar replies, "I wish it were that simple my dear. You see the pactmaster you know as Zane has done more damage then we could possibly have suspected." He then continues by saying, "I am sure that you have noticed how many of the knights around the castle have grown quiet and appear to largely be spaced out all the time."

"Yes, I have. What does that have to do with Zane though?" Taeko asks.

Isis says, "It has everything to do with him. Upon studying Captain Meld, who started to show concerning symptoms, I found that he somehow was infected by a parasite monster similar to the brainwashing one. This monster burrows into the brain of a person through the ear and causes them to become largely brain dead. Luckily, the infected person still has some limited use of his brain and still has his free will when this happens. The real problem is that it can also kill the infected at any time with ease."

"So the knights and everyone have been infected by this monster?" Liliana asks.

"Not just them I am afraid. Your father, the King also has been infected," Isis says. She then states, "I have been doing all that I can to remove the parasites safely based on revelation that I have received from His Holiness Ehit. It is a slow job though. I fear that I will not be able to save them all. After all, with just the snap of his fingers the pactmaster could kill them all."

"Are you trying to say that Zane did this?" Liliana asks.

Pope Ishtar replies, "We looked at one of the parasites that we managed to remove from Captain Meld. It has traces of the magic signature of one Zane Martin. He is undoubtedly the one behind this."

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