His squeezes harder and I see his knuckles turning white, "You need to wake up from this ridiculous fantasy you've created for yourself, Lil. Wake up, wake up, wake up."

He repeats this phrase and over again.

"Wake up. Wake up. Wake up."

And somewhere in there, I feel my body slip away from me, and suddenly I'm falling.

I gasp loudly, pulling as much air into my lungs as possible and spring up.

"Lil! Hey, it's alright. You're okay." Someone's voice says.

I can feel my hair plastered to my face with sweat. Wherever I am is stuffy and there's a lack of a breeze. It's just dense air.

I open my eyes and see the world through a curtain of my hair.
I'm in a room. Correction: I'm in Peter's room.

I can't steady my breathing.

It's happening again, I think, I have to relive that nightmare of events all over again.

"Hey." The voice calmly says again as I feel a gentle hand on my back.

Turning my stiff neck, I look at the person sitting on the bed beside me.

"Jonathan," I say, having trouble believing it, "Is it really you?"

He puts his hand on my shoudler and smiles, "It's me."

I throw my arms around him and bury my head into the crook of his shoulder. This time, he hugs me back. He wraps his arms tightly around my back and presses me against him, slowly rocking me.

"You were having a bad dream," He whispers, "Are you alright? I heard what happened to you."

I keep my eyes squeezed shut and shake my head.

It was all a dream. Thank goodness. Peter and I never almost kissed. Jonathan didn't walk in. He didn't yell at me. It was all just one, big, bad dream.

I sigh and lean back, "I don't remember what happened."
His blue eyes scan my face, and mine scan his. The first good look I've had at him in... well... I don't exactly know how long I've been here but it feels like a lifetime.

"Wendi said you stormed off after the Queen told you about some prophecy. Apparently Peter chased after you and you two were gone the rest of the day. When you came back around sunset, Peter was carrying you. You were hysterical. Mumbling about blood and death and stuff. Your little fairy friend, ummm,"
"Alina." I added.
"Yes, Alina. She cooked you up some potion thing or another, used a little stick that made these weird, blue sparks," He used animated hand gestures, "At then they left you in here. You've been out cold ever since. When I came in you were spazzing out again. I thought maybe you were still sick or something so I woke you up but, you seem fine now. Am I right?"

I nodded, "I feel better, that much is true but I'm still very much confused. What did Peter say happen? The last thing I remember is being with the Fates."
He scratched the back of his head, "He didn't say. All he told, ummm, OH! Alina, was that you needed help. Then he stormed of, or should I say he flew off."

So it was kind of like the dream. Peter brought me back here and got Alina's help, she did some type of magic and I stopped mumbling.
But what was I mumbling about? I don't even remember.

No. I do. I do remember. The Fates showed me my destiny. They showed me the fate of everyone near to me, and it was utterly horrific. I quickly pushed the memories aside.

I realized something that made me gasp, "Hold on a minute. You. You're alright! You're not dying!"

Jonathan chuckles and flattens his hands against his chest, "Nope. I'm pretty sure that thumping in my chest means my heart is still working. Unless, of course, that's just a battery, and I'm a robot."
I laugh and lightly push him, "I'm serious! The last time I saw you, you looked..."
"Terrible, I know. I won't even begin to explain to you what it felt like. Mike was sure to explain in great detail what I looked like. Apparently I was blue-lipped? I guess I'm a lizard now."

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