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"There's no better place than family"


3 years later

Jin and Jungkook are already living in Australia with their daughter. Minji is already 5 years old, until now he has not been able to keep the promise that Jungkook gave to Minji. They don't know why Jin isn't pregnant yet, even though they always do it every night, their health is in good condition and fertile. But thankfully, Minji is already in school, she can meet real friends.

Jin takes her to school and picks her up during the day. Jin takes care of all the work at home, from washing clothes, cleaning the apartment and cooking, he does everything himself. Of course it is very tiring, but he enjoys doing it. That day Taehyung said he would come to Australia soon, he asked his boyfriend Jimin to come with him, but Jimin had to finish his work in Seoul.

They have been dating for 1 year. Finally Taehyung was able to move on with his life, loving another man more than he loved Jin. They haven't seen each other for 5 years. He never met his nephew.

At that time when Jin just came back from Minji's school, he immediately cleaned his apartment, he also prepared a guest room for Taehyung and when he was cleaning the room suddenly the bell rang. He looked at the clock and it was still 9 am. He walked towards the door and when it opened, he saw a woman in front of him.

"Who are you?"

"Is this where Jungkook lives?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"I'm Lisa.. can I meet him? I have something to tell him, it's important"

"He's at work, I can pass it on when he gets home"

"Who are you?"

"I'm Jin, his husband" the woman's eyes shook when she heard Jin's words.

"Tell him I'm coming and can you ask him to reply to my message?" Jin was very confused by the woman's words.

"Fine, I'll tell him"

"Thanks Jin" Lisa smiled and left.


It was 5 pm, Jin heard the sound of the door opening and Minji who was watching tv immediately ran towards her father. Jin, who was still preparing dinner, was still busy in the kitchen.

"Hey babe.. I miss you" Jungkook kissed Jin on both cheeks and pecked his lips then kissed his forehead.

"I miss you too, take a shower first, dinner will be ready soon"

"Okay, thank you babe" Jin just smiled.


Just before dinner, the apartment bell rang again, this time it was Jungkook who opened the door and it was Taehyung. How happy Jungkook was when he saw Taehyung there. He hugged his little brother tightly.


"Hyung.. I miss you"

"Me too"

"Where's my nephew?" Taehyung said and Minji ran towards Taehyung.

"Uncle Tae.." Minji jumped towards Taehyung and Tae held him. Although they have never met in person, they often make video calls. They are very close.

"Hey princess.. finally we meet"

"You came just before dinner" Jin said as he took off his apron and walked up to them in the living room.

"Hey Jin, how are you?"

"Very good, how about you?"

"As you can see, I'm very good"

"Too bad Jimin can't come here"

"Yeah, but he said he'd catch up in 2 days, I don't know, if there wasn't too much work I think he would really come here"

"You own the company, how can you hire your boyfriend like that?" Jungkook said.

"Outside the office he is my boyfriend, but in the office he is still my employee, I am very hungry, can we start dinner now?"

"Yess, I'm hungry too" Minji said.


After dinner, Taehyung went into his room to clean up, Jin had also taken Minji to her room to rest, read her a fairy tale until she fell asleep and went into his room. He saw Jungkook still busy with his laptop in his lap.


"Yes baby" Jin climbed into bed and rested his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Are you still busy?"

"No baby, what's wrong? I just need to reply to a message from my secretary, Lisa." Hearing that name, Jin immediately lifted his head from Jungkook's shoulder.

"What's wrong babe?" Jungkook put away his laptop and looked at Jin.

"She's your secretary?"

"Yeah, what's wrong Jin?"

"This morning she came and.. she asked you to reply to her message"

"What? Why is she here? She really didn't come in today, she sent the files I requested yesterday via email and I just replied. What message did she mean?"

"I dunno she just said that"

"Why did she have to come here? She can call me"

"I don't know." Jin immediately lay down on the bed and turned his back on Jungkook. His heart felt restless, he did not know why.

Jungkook lay down and hugged Jin from behind, kissing Jin's back as if he knew that Jin was not okay.

"Jin, what happened?"

"You're not hiding anything from me are you?"

"What do you mean? Is this about Lisa?" Jin turned around and looked at Jungkook.

"Answer me"

"Hey.. why are you crying? Of course I didn't hide anything from you Jin"

"But why did she come here? Why did she want you to reply to her messages when she could reach you? Why?"

"Jin.. what.. do you think I'm cheating on you?" Jin closed his eyes and cried.

"You don't believe me?" Jin opened his eyes and looked at Jungkook.

"I'm scared"

"I love you Jin, I worked hard to get you, how could I waste you"

"But why?"

"I'll talk to her tomorrow"

"No, don't talk anything outside of work with her, please"

"Okay, I promise, I love you baby"

"I love you too Jungkook, please don't leave me"

"I won't leave you, I promise" Jungkook hugged Jin tightly until they fell asleep.


"Another lie will be revealed"

Part 15

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