Mason's POV

After much work I finally convinced Kat that I used to be the vampire king. Saying she was shocked would be an understatement.

We're dining in the castle for breakfast when my brother walks in.

"Good morning Mason and Lady Kat." He greets.

"Good morning Sebastian." Kat and I both greet him.

"Are you ready for red day tomorrow?" He asked. To be fair I haven't thought much about it since meeting Kat. Aww shit. I invited Rose and her mates which means that I need to tell Kat about what happened before she hears it from someone else. I nervously start picking at my food. I feel sparks on my arm and look up to see Kat rubbing it gently. I know that she can probably sense my unease.

"Yes brother, I'm sure that it will be as great as always, though this will be your first time making an appearance as the vampire king I'm certain that it will run smoothly." I assured him.

Kat sends me a smile and I continue picking at my food.

"Kat, after breakfast I'd like us to talk, would you join me for a walk through the garden?" I asked. She smiled gently at me and nods. I slowly finished up my food, putting off this difficult conversation as long as possible. Finally I had to push my plate away and I took her gently by the hand, leading her through the hands and out back to the garden.

"There's some stuff I need to tell you and I understand if it changes your opinion of me. Unfortunately this is important and I don't want to start our relationship with secrets." She quietly looks at me and nods at me to continue. I then tell her how I was betrothed from birth and how my betrothed had found her mates. I even told her how I had kidnapped Rose and up to selling my soul in sacrifice to finally becoming a god father.

"I understand if you can't be with me anymore but," she cuts me off before I can continue. "Mason, I don't care about those things. Wait that's not right. What I mean is yes I do care but when it comes to us, those things aren't important. I believe in second chances and you seem genuine in your regret. I'd like us to start over with a blank slate. I would hope that you'd extend the same courtesy to me."

I couldn't help the large smile that took over my face. "That sounds wonderful Kat. Damn you're amazing." She smiled back and we continued walking through the garden and talking about our pasts, family and hopes and dreams for the future. I'm so thankful that the gods gave me a chance with this amazing woman.

Maximus's POV

Red Day has arrived and I could tell that Rose is beyond excited. She really went all out with her vampire costume, fake blood and all. I watched her get excitedly ready in her bedroom mirror. Her outfit was comprised of a black corset, long black skirt, stilettos and finished off with a cape.

"How do I look?" She turned around in a circle and asked me.

"You're the sexiest vampire I've ever laid eyes on." I told her truthfully.

She gave me a small smack on the chest, "I better be," she joked. I rolled my eyes and gave her a small peck on the lips.

"Are you ready to head that way soon? I think the other guys are leaving right about now and so we'll be able to get to the castle about the same time." I told her.

"Almost," she said. She opened up a tube of lipstick and put on the bright red color. "Now I'm ready." She stated.

I put my hand on the small of her back and started leading her down the stairway of her parent's house.

"Max! What are you going as?" Her mother asked me.

"Ma'am I'm just going as myself." I grinned. She laughed at me and gave me a quick squeeze on the bicep.

"Well you kids have fun and will see you in a few days," she called out as we walked out the door.

We hopped in my car and took the long drive to the vampire king's castle. I watched Rose sitting beside me and singing her heart out to the radio. Even her crappy singing voice is adorable. I chuckled to myself. "What's funny Maximus?" She questioned haughtily.

"Nothing baby." She stuck her tongue out at me, obviously not believing my words. We continued on until we pulled up in front of the castle.

"Ready or not, here we come." She spoke.

"Remember this is where we met?" I reminded her. That was the best day of my life. Just minutes before I walked in on Rose I was still up to my flirtatious ways. I can't believe how long ago it was. Time has been flying by really quickly. I'm thankful for the day the guys called me asking for help finding their mate. In a messed up kind of way, I wouldn't have met her if Mason didn't kidnap her. It's so funny how things work out. My sweet girl looked up at me with her big green eyes. "Stop daydreaming Max and let's head inside!"

I followed my girl inside, ready to celebrate with the others.

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