Chapter Sixty-Nine

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May 18th 2024 - New York City - Ashley's and Louis' House

It has been a week since I have seen Blue. I missed her but she has made it clear she doesn't want to see me. She doesn't want me there. I tried to put her in the back of my mind. I knew she was safe and she was getting looked after at the hospital so it was easier not to worry about her.

I went back to work the day after and tried to get my old normal back, create some stability for myself. I knew if I didn't I'd get trapped in a downward spiral. Today after work Ash invited me over for dinner. Because she's not been at work I haven't really seen her this week so it's been nice to her here with her and Louis and of course baby Jude. I was really trying to move on.

I had just finished feeding Jude his bottle whilst Ashley cleaned up from dinner, he was such a good baby. I expected no less from Miss Perfect herself. "MK, your phone." Ashley called to me. "It's fine." I called back knowing the important people who would need to contact me are in this house. Mum and Dad were here too, both looking at me with looks of concern. I took my makeup off in Ashley's bathroom after dinner and they have clearly seen the mark around my neck. They knew what happened so neither of them questioned it. I forget it's there until I catch sight of it in the mirror. My mum wasn't too happy with Blue when she found out, dad was a little more understanding of the situation. He talked my mum down.

"It's Isobel." Ashley said coming in, holding my phone out to me. "Isobel?" I questioned and she nodded, pushing the phone out again. I stood up with Jude and took the phone. "Hello?" I questioned, only Sage had reached out to me since what happened, happened. To say I was surprised to hear from Isobel was an understatement. Ashley took Jude from me before I left to talk in Louis' office. "Mary-Kate can you come to the hospital." "Why? What's wrong?" I asked, already panicked. "She's had a fall." And I was already moving quickly to get to my car not uttering a word to anyone else. "A bad one? Is she okay? What happened?"

"She had a fall in the shower... We need your help." I closed my car door, set my phone on the holder and started the car. "Is she okay? Can I speak to her?" "Can you come?" "I'm on my way." "Okay, well she's moved to the long stay unit. Her room is 22B." "Okay." I pulled off and drove straight to the hospital after hanging up. My heart was pounding in my chest.

What if she's hurt herself. What if she's hit her head again? Why have they called me to help? Surely the doctors should be there to help her. My ringtone interrupted my thoughts. "Where did you go?" Ashley asked, Jude was crying in the background. "I had to go to the hospital." "Why what's wrong?" She asked just as panicked as I was. "Blue's had a fall... I don't know how bad it is right now but... I should be there right?" "Of course! Of course you should be there." "But what if? What if she shouts at me. She doesn't want me anymore." "Her family seems to think differently... They called you." "I don't want to upset her anymore than I have. You didn't see how upset I made her." "You didn't upset her MK. She is frustrated at the situation. And she doesn't know how to be the person in a relationship who needs support. She's scared and confused." "But..." "I hate that she hurt you and when she's well enough we'll be having words. But she needs you. She really needs you, MK. So you need to go." I nodded despite her not seeing me. "Drive safe okay, and update me when you can." "I will. I love you." "Love you too."

I took a deep breath after hanging up and focused on the road, taking the exit I needed to, to get to the hospital. I didn't bother turning the radio on. I had too many thoughts that needed my attention right now. All circulating around Blue. I thought she'd be safe in the hospital. I thought I didn't have to worry about her.


May 18th 2024 - New York City - Long Stay Unit

I arrived and headed straight to Blue's room, there her family was in her room but I couldn't see her. "Where is she?" Sage pointed to what I assume is the bathroom door. "No one got her out?" "Have you met my sister?" He asked standing up and going to the bathroom door. He knocked once. "Le-ave me alone." She called back. Her throat was scratchy telling me she had been crying for a while. "She won't let anyone in." Mami explained. "She's a patient send the doctor in." "Tried that." Atlas said.

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