Chapter Sixty-Seven

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April 19th 2024 - New York City - Mary-Kate and Blue's Brownstone

The house was full yet silent. The only sounds that could be heard were sniffles coming from those who were crying. I sat in the corner of the sofa with my legs pulled against my chest. One of Blue's oversized jumps hung off my body covering every inch of it. It was my sorry attempt at feeling closer to her, I hadn't washed it so it still smelt of her.

We were all waiting on the news that Blue had been successfully transferred to a local hospital. When she's there and stable we can actually go see her. Papi says she hasn't woken up yet, but there's brain activity which is keeping them hopeful. Hope is all we had. It's all we've had for a long while, whilst they've been away fighting.

Ashley was at her own house, with her beautiful baby boy and Louis. She wanted to be here but I insisted she settled into family life. Blue wouldn't want to be her main focus right now; she'd want Ashley to enjoy motherhood and give the baby everything she can. Lizzie was here though with my parents. They have been overly supportive to the point I feel suffocated.

"Here you go honey." Mum handed me a mug of tea. "Thanks." My throat scratched when I spoke as it had been out of use for a few days. The only thing I have done is cry and pray...I wasn't all that religious but I needed something to believe in, some high power that could take responsibility right now. "How you feeling?" Mum asked, sitting beside me. "I just want to see her."

"We spoke about this Mary-Kate, you might not get to see her today." She said softly, knowing she'd upset me. I looked at her with a challenging look. "Her family needs to see her first." "She's her family. She'll see her today." Isobel spoke from the other side of the room. She had been standing by our bookcase looking at a photo of Blue... I looked at her. "The first face she'd want to see will be her. She'll see her today." She told my mum and reassured me at the same time. I offered her a small smile that only lasted a few seconds before disappearing.

I wish they'd call and say she was stable and at the local hospital. I needed her to be okay. "Just relax." Mum tried to ease me back, but I couldn't relax not until the phone rang. They were meant to call over an hour ago and they haven't. Which meant something had gone wrong. Something wasn't right with her if they were delaying calling us. "I can't relax, Mum." "I know it's hard but you stressing isn't going to help her." I take a breath and stand up leaving the room.

I stand outside the door of our bedroom, a room I have avoided since she left. I had moved into the spear room. I couldn't stand being in there without her. I pushed open the door and everything was as we left it. I closed the door and walked to our bed sitting on it facing the balcony windows. I stayed in our room trying to block out reality until the phone call came through and we got some good news.


A light knock interrupted my intrusive thoughts, I looked over my shoulder and Jazz was standing there. Her blue eyes were bloodshot from all the tears she had been crying. "She's awake." A smile crept up on her lips after she told me, my own eyes filled with tears. "She's awake?" "Yeah! They're still concerned but her but her Isobel and Sage are leaving to go see her. They want you to go." I stood up quickly and we both rushed down the stairs. "You ready, Mija?" Isobel asked me, smiling, the relief she felt evident in her eyes. Sage's hands were shaking as he tied his laces in the mudroom. "Yeah." I nodded pushing my feet into my trainers and following them out to the car. Isobel drove us to the hospital. Sage sat in the back and I took the front seat.

"Amos said she looks worse than she is... And she's struggling a little to comprehend as quickly as she normally would." I nodded. "But she's okay and they have faith that she'll pull through." "What happened?" Sage asked. "They believe she took a few hits to her head... After her previous injury we knew she had to be careful." My stomach twisted in knots. The amount of times she's bumped her head over the past two years and knowing most could have been easily avoided, maybe if Cyprus didn't attack her or Sage then she wouldn't have been in the hospital this time. The constant trauma to her head is what had caused this. "That it?" "Is that it?" I asked, turning in my seat, questioning why he asked that so casually. She's been out for a week with a team of doctors fighting to keep her alive and he asked if that's it. "She's got a bullet wound on her stomach and a few cuts elsewhere."

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