Chapter Twenty-Nine

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October 13th 2022 - Brooklyn - Sage and Blue's Apartment

One day off turned into a week, though I wouldn't class it as a week off. MK went into the studio and she got my work and brought it back to her place. I did my work from her home office, making phone calls and emailing clients from here. I didn't attempt to cover the mess on my face with make-up, it would have been an impossible task and I didn't want to set myself up to fail.

So I spent the week hiding from my parents, brother and the world on the 22nd floor of a luxury apartment building. I've spent time in worse places. The days were boring, MK was at work and I was left at the apartment... It's how I imagine pets to feel when their owners leave. I mostly worked but I found myself getting through my tasks quicker without interruption from my friends, from the Twins themselves goofing off. MK would call on her lunch break to keep me company though she mostly complained about something that was going wrong at work. This only made me want to go back sooner. She got so anxious when things went wrong or didn't follow the plan, her adaptability was low and that's fine when I'm there to fix the problems before she finds out.

Everyone in the office knows not to take issues to MK unless they can be solved in less than a minute. Problems come to me or Ashley. Those are the rules but with me not being there and Ashley being out of the office they had no choice but to take them to her.

Today would be my first day back at the office but before I could go I had to go to the apartment to get my clothes and make-up. MK and I both skipped group this morning so we could grab my things. Sage hadn't said it was okay for me to come back yet meaning I shouldn't be here just in case but I needed my things. I would have preferred it if MK dropped me off and left but she wouldn't. We stepped over Mr O'Brian on the staircase and continued to the second floor. The door was fixed now which was a good sign, I unlocked it and pushed the door open slowly. My brother was asleep on the sofa so we skipped through to my bedroom.

"Sorry about the mess." I say picking up scattered bits of fabric and throwing them on the desk. "You've seen my closest, don't worry about it," She responded, as she sat on my desk chair. I closed the blinds so no one could see me moving around the room. "Your brothers here, it's fine," She spoke softly. "I'm fine." I went to the closest and pulled out one of my many matching suit sets. Atlas had a ton of suits and mum let me have them. I tailored them to fit me and I got to bring him with me to work. "No, wear the green one." She says standing up and striding over to me. "It's autumn. I'm not wearing a summer suit in autumn." I say taking it out of her hands and putting it back in its spot.. "You didn't wear it in summer." "I did, you were just with your parents that day." "Please." "No." I was not wearing it in autumn. It's not a vibe and she should know that too.

"Will you stop touching my clothes so I can change and we can leave, please." She rolled her eyes in this over dramatic way. "You take the fun out of everything," She complained, I wanted to shake her and tell her I was attacked in this apartment and I didn't want to be here. But I didn't. "Can you go get me the bag from beside the desk so I can pack some of my things, please." She looked at me and she realised just how anxious I was about being here. "Sorry," She mumbled, moving quickly. I pulled out different outfits, tossing them on the bed for the week.

I don't think I'd stay here this week even if Sage said it was safe, it was too soon. I had already planned to message Jazz and ask to stay with her for the week. I knew the answer would be yes, it always was. "Do we have a meeting today?" I asked MK, not being at work all week had thrown me off and I had no clue what this week's schedule looked like. "No, you're in the studio with Nia and Ash today," I nodded and pulled a pale grey sweat set out, and my black long overcoat. Studio days are the days we can get away with dressing comfortably because no one sees you. Even the Twins dress down when they plan on being in the studio all day. "You have meetings?" I asked her as I looked for my trainers and boots to take with me. "Yeah with the research team, I thought you'd prefer to be in the Studio." "I do prefer it. But my job is to be where you need me." "Your job is to direct the interns in the creative tasks...Alice will be in the meeting." I nodded and took my clothes for the day to the bathroom.

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