Chapter Sixty-Six

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April 14th 2024 - Iraq - Camp

Camp was chaotic, orders being shouted, gunshots echoing through the air from a distance, people rushing from left to right. But despite the chaos I felt calm, in control. My team followed behind me as we wove through the clusters of people. I was back in an environment I thrived in, where I was completely comfortable and familiar with every single aspect.

5 months have passed in a flash but also it has been the longest five months of my life. Constantly longing for someone, desperately praying they're okay makes the days drag. But also the intense nature of my environment meant time escaped from me.

My team and I got kitted up to go out, we had retrieved over 150 of our soldiers from two of the camps. Atlas wasn't at either of them. Today we were hitting the final and third prisoner of war camp. I could see the desperation in my Papi's eyes. He needed this to be a successful mission. I tried to separate myself from the hopeful sister, I had a job to do and I was going to do it to the best of my abilities. Papi did that too but I knew him well enough to know just how much he needed Atlas to be here.

"Load up, let's go. Let's go!" My Papi instructed us all, I grabbed my gear and led my team to their truck before joining the other Corporals in our truck. Papi stood as we all got dressed in our protective gear. He was delegating jobs to us and our teams. I sat and waited for my instructions. "You'll be on observations Sinclair." I cocked a brow. "I don't want to hear it." He said, holding his hand up. Observations?... My team was out in the field and I was on observation? Did he think I was incapable of separating my emotions from this? Or did he just think I lacked the ability to complete this successfully. I didn't argue with him, knowing my ranking and my obligation to sit and follow orders.

I unclipped my helmet from under my chin and took it off placing it in my lap. He watched my movements waiting for me to object. I knew when the time and place was to rebel and in the field wasn't that place. I wouldn't disrespect him like that or our family name. But I will do my job... And that's leading my team, keeping them safe and doing what I see fit is right.

We arrived and unloaded the trucks. I was last to jump off. "Instruct your team and then stay at your post." Papi warned me. I looked at him innocently. "I mean it, Sofia." "Yes, Colonel." We saulted each other before going our separate ways.

I gave clear instructions to my team. That we'd be heading in using the west doors. Following the underground route, and that Private Lytle will be on observation here at our temporary base. My team needed an experienced leader when they were in there. I had been with them through this whole thing. I was not going to take a back seat now.

"Constant communication." I told Private Lytle. "Yes." He nodded, taking my words seriously. "Move out." Was heard by our commanding officer and we started making our move. Carefully, slowly, all of us are on high alert. Our team wasn't going into direct danger right away, we were simply infiltrating the buildings, finding the prisoners and helping them get out whilst other teams shut it down... well attempted to.

"Sinclair!" I hear in my ear piece, my dad's voice wasn't one I'd ever forget. "I thought I put you on observations." "I delegated, Sir." He wasn't happy with me. "Helmet stays on, Blue." "Yes, Sir." I responded clearly. My Papi would always be my dad first. Professionalism goes out the window sometimes when he begins to worry about my wellbeing. I had to be cautious, my previous injuries could easily be triggered. Despite having medical clearance I was told I had to be careful. I looked over my shoulder making sure my team was there, following closely. They were.

We continued to move through the building undetected, making our way higher the further we moved in. Closing in on our target. But of course nothing goes perfectly. The arms started to go off. "Sinclair, Get your team out of there." I looked around, guard running from the left corridor. "What's happening?" I asked moving down the right putting my team in front of me. "Burke's team was caught...Get out they're closing in make your way to the top deck via the right wing exits." "Copy." I took my ear piece out. "Make your way to the top deck via the right wing exit. You'll be extracted from there." I repeated back to my team. "Corporal." "Did I stutter?" I questioned. They shook their heads and ran down the route they were instructed to. I dropped my ear piece on the floor and made my way down the east corridor when my team had made it out of sight.

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