Chapter Twenty-Three

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June 17th 2022 - New York City - Safe Haven Community Centre

I didn't see Blue after group, she was nowhere to be found. I waited outside for her for a while and when she didn't come out I looked for her inside. I slowly walked down the hall in case she was talking with her support leader. I didn't want to interrupt that like I did last time.

I stand outside her room and knock on it before pushing it open. "Hi, how can I help you?" The same man from last week greeted me, he looked at me a moment before realisation washed over him. "Looking for Blue?" He asked and I nodded suddenly feeling shy under his gaze. "Have you heard from her over the weekend?" I shake my head. I haven't heard from her since Friday night we were out at dinner with Rudy and Tilly and she had to leave after getting a call from her brother. Something to do with the apartment.

"She didn't turn up today," He says softly. "She's not been here?" "No, ma'am she hasn't." He shook his head as he spoke. My frown grew deeper. "Okay, thank you." I fixed a smile on my face. Blue didn't miss the group. "When you see her can you tell her we missed her today?" I nodded before leaving quickly, wanting to call her and make sure she was okay.

When I got out on the streets I immediately dialled her number, it rang straight through to voicemail. I hung up and called her work phone and the same thing happened meaning she wasn't at her desk. "Hello, thank you for calling The Row, we're sorry we can't take your call right now, please leave your name and number and we'll get back to you." I sighed and hung up again trying her personal phone.

"Hey, Blue. It's MK. You weren't at group, hope you're okay. I'll see you at work." I ditch the coffee shop and head straight to our building.


June 17th 2022 - New York City - Studio 22

I take the elevator up to the 22nd floor, ignore Chloe as I walk through the lobby and head straight to Blue's desk. Her bag wasn't on the floor, her sketchbook wasn't on the desk, her computer was still switched off and she wasn't sitting there smiling at me as I rounded the corner. Ashley comes out of her office. "She's called in sick... Sounded pretty rough on the phone." "She called you?" She nodded in response to my question.  I was mildly offended she didn't call me and tell me she was sick. "Did she say what was wrong?" "I didn't ask, I'm assuming it was her throat that was super scratchy," She explained. "Cam is going to cover her desk, he's just in repro." I nodded and went to my office.

I decided to text her to make sure she was doing okay.


Hey sweetie, Ash said you called in sick. Hope you're not feeling too bad.

Will said they missed you at group today, I went looking for you when you didn't show up outside.

If you need me to bring you anything just let me know, and I'll be right there.


Soup, tissues, medication

Feel better :)

I waited for a few minutes, my eyes locked on my phone screen hoping to see the three little dots appear telling me she was replying to me but they didn't pop up. Maybe she was sleeping. She should be sleeping if she's sick.


June 17th 2022 - Brooklyn - Sage and Blue's Apartment

Blue had messaged me back telling me she was okay and would probably be out for a few days. I asked again if she needed anything and she told me she was okay and her brother was home taking care of her. I was glad Sage had actually stayed in and was looking after her whilst she rested...Or was she lying to me? Did she just say he was staying home with her to put my mind at ease?

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