Chapter Fifty-Six

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August 5th 2023 - Milan, Italy - Spazio Cavallerizze

People rushed around me, I felt stuck, frozen to this very spot. I forgot how overwhelming these events are without Blue. Without someone literally following me around blocking my ears from all the problems that arose until there was a solution. I forgot how hectic they were and how much there was to do. She was one person but she took on the jobs of three people and never once complained.

I felt out of control and I hated it. I hated not having control. Ashley was fine, she was in the booth with Alice, her right hand girl. Mine was halfway across the world. I hadn't even had a chance to speak to her since I got here on Sunday evening. That was three days ago. This is the longest I've not spoken to her in a long while. I missed her. I missed her laugh, her smile, her pretty amber eyes. I missed her calm aura, I missed her hugs. I missed it all. Missing her wasn't helping me cope with the stress either.

I keep waiting for her to come behind me and wrap her arms around my waist. "What can I do to help, Tiny?" She'd whisper in my ear. I'd have a comforting place to relax melting into her chest for a few minutes. She'd wave her magic wand and all of this madness and all the chaos would disappear. I forgot how much micromanaging this team needed and things seriously needed to change for next year. I didn't want slackers on my team. I didn't want the dead weight. I didn't have the time or energy to drag them through this.

I took a few minutes to collect myself, there was too much noise in the room. I needed a break, I needed the silence. I went out front to smoke. I pulled out my phone to text Blue. I had a free minute and I craved her more than the cigarette I was yet to light. I was 6 hours ahead and considering it was only 10 am here I assumed she'd still be sleeping, so I'd have to be okay with just a text to her.


Morning, Bluebell.

How are you doing? Is everything okay with Sage?

I'm sorry I've not called :( you know how it is.

I miss you so much, baby, I can't wait to see you. Just 4 more days.

You think we could catch a game? Or maybe visit Nanny?

We could do a weekend at my parents

The show rehearsal sucked! Like it was awful. I don't know how you deal with the slackers but I need you back. I can't deal.

Ash is with Alice in the booth, the interview went well, I mentioned your dress ;)

Also wearing the suit you made me tonight for the show. I'll be sure to have my assistant highlight that my amazingly talented girlfriend is the designer.

We should come back here on vacation, you'd love the food

And the little boat tours are so cute the guy rowing them sings to you and it's so romantic... Ash and Louis did one Monday evening. So not jealous

I'm sorry I'm trying to fit everything in these messages, I snuck out.

I want one of your hugs

Have I mentioned I missed you?

I love you

I tried to put as much in the messages as I could not knowing when I was going to get a response or a chance to message her again until after the shows. Maybe even when I get to the airport due to the press we have scheduled. I could have sworn I saw the three little dots appear but I was definitely sleep deprived because I didn't get a message back. And if she did actually see it I know I would have gotten a response quickly, Blue types quicker than anyone I have ever met. She normally types up my emails for me because she does it in seconds.

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