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Evelyn is the last to emerge and Hazel is taken aback by how serious and grown-up she looks. She may be only nine years old but right now she is clearly in charge. She stands in front of the cowboys and looks at Mr. Post first with eyebrows raised, prompting him to speak. "All clear on my line," he says. She looks to the next cowboy and he too gives her the all-clear. She moves along the line till she gets to Austin. "One dead, looks like old age. Two sick and too weak to travel. Three sick but will make it to the west pasture," she says. "And now?" Austin asks. Evelyn looks back at the herd as she thinks then looks back at her father. "Pop!" she calls her grandfather. "Take Jack and Ellis, and medicate the three sick but movable cattle," she instructs him. He nods and then turns his horse, disappearing into the herd with Jack and Ellis. "The rest if you go and bury the dead cow. Dad...please put the two sick out of their misery," she commands. "What? Wait!" Hazel protests as Austin starts moving into the herd. "You wanted a job, now you have one," he says. Hazel can feel the tears sting her eyes. "Please don't kill them. Evelyn is only a child, surely you won't just do it without checking but even then, maybe we can save them. Austin please," Hazel begs already having to wipe her cheeks. "Evelyn knows what she is doing," Austin says, his voice void of emotion.


"Hush now darlin'. It's just the way it is."

Hazel has to force herself not to cry more than she already is. There are many things she loves about Cottonwood but this will never be one of them. Austin brings Lightning to a stop in front of a cow that is lying on its side. Its breathing is labored and Hazel can see that it's suffering. Austin dismounts and opens one of his saddle bags. He pulls out two of the containers she had brought back from her last trip to town and then pulls out a large syringe from one and a bottle of clear liquid from the other then he looks at her. "Get down," he says. Hazel shakes her head. "No. I am not helping you. Kill it yourself," she says. Austin sighs heavily. "Darlin' look at how it is breathing. It's in pain. Either we leave it behind to suffer or we help it," he says. "Help it come with us!" she raises her voice. "Get. Down," he says through gritted teeth. Hazel crosses her arms in a huff and looks the other way. She is not helping him. "Fuck," she hears Austin say under his breath then she feels him step closer and places his hand gently on her thigh. "Darlin' look at me," he says. Hazel wipes the tears on her cheeks and then looks down at him. He is looking at her and she can see a shimmer of sadness in his eyes. "See how the rest of the herd have turned their backs to her. They know it's her time," he says softly. Hazel looks around and sees he is right. But she would rather pretend to ignore that little truth. "It would be cruel to force her to move with us and if we leave her like this she will die alone and in pain when the coyoties come for her. We help them into this world, it is only right that we help them out with the dignity they deserve," he says keeping his voice soft. Hazel can't help the sob that rips out of her chest. He is right. She hates that he is right.

She lets him pull her down and then walks behind him over to the cow. She watches as he bends down and whispers something into her ear then he strokes her. "Sit by her head as she goes, darlin'," he says. Hazel's kneels down by her head and looks into her eyes, there is pain but she looks peaceful. Austin jabs her with the syringe and then Hazel watches as her eyes slowly close. Her legs feel a little wobbly as she stands and follows him to the next cow. Austin takes out a new bottle and fills the syringe then leans over and whispers in her ear, stroking her. Hazel stops him though before he can put the needle into her, holding her hand out for it. Austin looks at her, unsure. "Let me try," she says softly, trying to keep the wobble out of her voice. Austin hands it to her and then points at a place on the cow's neck. He stands back and Hazel kneels next to the cow. She has the same peaceful look on her face. She pushes the needle into her neck and then watches as the clear liquid disappears into her neck as she pushes the handle down. She hears the stamping hooves of the cowboys approaching just as the cows eyes close. She doesn't want them to see her cry so she wipes her cheeks before she stands and faces them. Jack jumps off his horse and looks at the syringe in Hazel's hand. He puts out his hand and takes it from her, then takes off his hat. "We will be careful with her, ma'am," he says then turns to help the others who have started digging a large hole in the soft dirt.

She walks over to Austin who helps her gently back onto lightning then climbs back on himself. He turns them and starts walking back through the herd. "It makes me feel like an old woman when they call me ma'am," she says quietly. "They?" Austin asks. "Ace called me ma'am last night too," she answers. "Out here in the country that is a sign of respect, darlin'," Austin says curling his arm around her waist and pulling her closer to his body. Hazel's heart squeezes at the same time as it breaks a little - their acceptance of her means a lot but it comes with a price.

As they come out of the herd she sees Evelyn sitting on zip. Her back is straight, Rhinestone Stetson high, and a stern face while she scans the herd. She looks like a mini female version of her father and she bets if she looked back at Austin he would have a proud look on his face. Austin pulls Lightning to a stop next to Evelyn and she looks at him with an expectant face. "It is done," he says. Evelyn gives him a sharp nod and then looks at Hazel, her stern face falters a little. Hazel wants to cry still but she offers Evelyn a small smile, she knows how important it is to Evelyn to prove to her father and all the cowboys that she has what it takes to take over from her father one day and Hazel will be damed if she made it harder on her to achieve that.

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